FT Valentine’s Rose Sale

Presented by 2nd Congregational/ 1st Presbyterian Church

Saturday, February 14, 2015


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2nd. Congregational/1st. Presbyterian Church

318 N. Church St., Rockford, Illinois
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We will be taking orders for Fair Trade Rose’s, to be picked up in our Dining Room on Feb. 14th. With each dozen of rose’s we will include a Fair Trade Chocolate Bar.

Why Buy Fair Trade Flowers

About 80% of cut flowers sold in the United States are grown in Latin America, South America, and Africa. Workers are often exploited to keep costs low, leading to severe abuse and mistreatment. Fair Trade creates a sustainable business model that guarantees:
•Social Justice
•Environmental Protection
•Economic Development

With Fair Trade, farms, employees, and communities participate in global trade with sustainability and integrity.

We sold 9 dozen at $45.00 per dozen and we added a Fair Trade Chocolate Bar. One World Flowers was very easy to work with –we did 3 trail runs before ordering for Valentine’s Day