Lead for Change Blog

Fair Trade vs Free Trade

January 25, 2019

Saturday, March 23, PJC 2-3 pm. Basic information about globalization and how policies & practices have paved the way for huge companies to profit at the expense of people and the planet. Shows how the Fair Trade movement & principles seek to, at a minimum, counterbalance these atrocities. Stick around after the event to learn […]

FairTrade Bake-Sale

January 16, 2019

Fair Trade Weekend

January 14, 2019

Fair Trade Weekend Love Your Neighbor with Your Dollar The Invitation: Equal Exchange Fundraiser The Dates: Saturday, April 6th* or Sunday, April 7th* https://equalexchange.coop/ee-and-you/fundraising Benefits of an Equal Exchange Fundraiser – 40% profits on sales – No minimum orders or upfront costs – Free catalogs & shipping on orders over $135 – Delivery of shipment […]

Share the Love: Valentine’s Day 2019

January 14, 2019

The Quincy Fair Trade Task Force is partnering with Quincy College this year in order to Share the Love with farmers and artisans in Ghana, Vietnam & Ecuador. Participating is simple! We’ll have a table set up with Valentine’s Day cards. You stop by and fill out a card. We’ll have some Equal Exchange chocolate […]

Share the Love: Valentine’s Day 2019

January 14, 2019

The River will be joining with thousands of others across in celebrating artisans and farmers in Ghana, Vietnam, and Ecuador by taking some time in our Sunday morning service to write a few Valentine’s Day card notes to them. Join us if you can!

Sunday Funday: Akeelah and the Bee

January 14, 2019

Registration is limited, so please be sure to sign up if you are interested in coming: https://sundayfundayakeelah.eventbrite.com Join us for a little fun and relaxing as we kick off February Vacation Week. We’ll be showing the movie Akeelah and the Bee. Wear your PJ’s if you want. (Not required.) Bring a blanket or pillow if […]

Ethical, sustainable Fashion Show

January 12, 2019

Still fine-tuning: Looking to do a fashion show on April 24th which is Fashion Revolution Day. The show will focus on how clothing can be trendy and fashionable while being ethically responsible.

Fair Trade Bake Sale/Hot Beverage

January 12, 2019

Laurel Athletics holds a Lacrosse Tournament hosting over 12 teams. We will be a booth that provides beverages: hot cocoa, coffee, tea homemade baked items Everything will use ingredients that have been Fair Trade certified. We will have pamphlets and brochures available

The True Cost Documentary (reshow)

January 12, 2019

Will reshow the True Cost Documentary- my goal is to promote an ethical fashion show in preparation for a Fashion Revolution April, 24. My senior speech which is Feb. 7 and will spotlight fast fashion-so, natural to show The True Cost at my club meeting on 2/11

Laurel Food Fair

January 12, 2019

Clubs at Laurel will provide food that reflects their clubs interest. The Fair Trade Club plans to make food items that are both sweet and savory. Beverages also will be present.

Song Contest

December 20, 2018

Fair Trade club is providing the hot cocoa and coffee for the annual song contest @ Laurel. All 273 US girls will be in attendance. Faculty also will be included.

Fair Trade Campaigns National Conference 2019

December 13, 2018

We are participating with our staff advisor and three student coordinators at the 2019 Fair Trade Campaigns National Conference. We are excited about this upcoming opportunity!

Fair Trade Sampling

December 6, 2018

Interactive Fair Trade educational presentation and research. Gaging FT interest in campus, knowledge and inviting people to taste and try products. Raffle, survey, pins and stickers, information.

Fair Trade Your Finals

December 4, 2018

As part of the Wellness Center’s Relaxation Station for finals week, the Rollins College Sustainability Program will have a table with free fair trade chocolate, tea, and bracelets! Enter a raffle to win: Fair Trade Coffee Fair Trade Reusable Bag Fair Trade Pendant necklace Fair Trade Cake Display Equal Exchange Chocolate

Fair Trade Finals

December 4, 2018

The Day before Finals we will have a review and relaxation day at Laurel. Students are invited to enjoy Fair Trade Hot Chocolate, make snowflakes and place their name in a raffle to win Tony’s Chocloney bars! We will be passing out Fair Trade buttons and Graphic stickers free for anyone….

Fair Trade at CSC

December 1, 2018

Come learn about fair trade in the community around you. We have some quick facts about fair trade and the products we offer, as well as a chance to win a raffle.

Fair Trade Finals

November 30, 2018

We will be hosting two exciting events to encourage students to sample Fair Trade items and learn more. Sambazon acai will be coming to one of our dining locations to sample acai bowls. We also will be hosting a film screening of the Tony’s Chocolonely documentary with chocolate samples and a brief introduction by the […]

FAIR. Spirits Holiday Happy Hour Mixer

November 29, 2018

Join us for our FAIR. Spirits “Holiday Happy Hour Mixer”, in partnership with the Long Beach Grocery Cooperative, at Saint & Second on December 10! Come by the beautiful rooftop bar and indulge in holiday cheer and bring a Fair Trade ornament for gift exchange too. Lite bites provided and a no-host bar with specialty […]