Lead for Change Blog
Role Play Presentation for 4th graders
February 10, 2014The local Fair Trade Committee will come to Media Elementary to teach our fourth graders about growing cocoa as a Fair Trade farmer! The hands-on, interactive role play presentation will take place Feb 11 and 12 and 6 volunteers will come to the classrooms to work with the kids.
February 4, 2014Students will host a Fair Trade breakfast in the Crusader Cafe.
BananaGram Signing Table
January 30, 2014Students signing BananaGrams, learning about Fair Trade, and receiving a free Fair Trade Banana
Green Week – Sustainability Thursday
January 29, 2014The Community Service Center will be hosting Green Week at the end of April, a week focused on green living and environmental sustainability. The week will include one day focused on sustainable living. This day will include an emphasis on Fair Trade and other companies that help to protect the environment. We will include Fair […]
FT chocolate hearts for Valentines day
January 24, 2014The week of Feb 10-Feb 14 we will be tabling and handing out fair trade chocolate hearts with little blurbs about fair trade and our campaign + our new designation on them.
FT gift basket raffle
January 24, 2014February 12 we are going to have a fair trade gift basket raffle at our open mic night to help celebrate our FT campus designation
BananaGram Dorm Presentation
January 23, 2014BananaGrams being signed and questions such as “Why Bananas?” and “Why Fair Trade?” being answered.
LOVE Fair Trade
January 23, 2014Grab some free Equal Exchange fair trade coffee on a cold day before Valentine’s Day! There will also be a Valentine to sign to thank the coffee farmers, plus free Equal Exchange dark chocolate minis!
Sidewalk Sale
January 22, 2014One of the benefits of Fair Trade is knowing that the product you are purchasing is free of slave labor and human trafficking. With that in mind, Ten Thousand Villages in Houston will be hosting a sidewalk sale on January 31 from 1-4 pm. This sale will feature Bead.2.Feed a local organization that advocates for […]
Valentine’s Day 2015
January 16, 2014Getting chocolate for your sweetheart for Valentine’s Day! Make sure it is Fair Trade chocolate. EcoRollins and the Sustainability Program will be selling Divine Chocolate bars again this year in celebration of Valentine’s Day! AND will have Valentine’s day cards to sign for fair trade farmers and artisans.
Earth Day/Wellness Fair Celebration
January 16, 2014Each year, the students of EcoRollins and the Sustainability Program celebrate all things earth day!! Fair Trade awareness and education will be included in each celebration. This year, we are collaborating with the office of Wellness to celebrate environmental health. This year [2015], Earth Day will be celebrated on Thursday, April 23rd!
February Member Meeting
January 16, 2014Join us to learn about our sweatfree chicago campaign and how you can help gain support for our city council resolution that would guarantee our city tax dollars would not go to sweatshop production for procuring city employee uniforms. Also, some of our fair trade vendors will offer you an opportunity to purchase your Valentine’s […]
Ohio Fair Trade Expo
January 15, 2014Initiated in 2009, the Expo brings people together from across the state (and country) to learn about and become more involved in fair trade. As in past years, the expo will include keynote speakers, workshops, and a fair trade marketplace, with the potential for additional programs involving students and youth organizations.
How fair is your supermarket?
January 15, 2014This year’s World Fair Trade Day presents an opportunity for consumers to demand that more fair trade items be sold in our local grocery stores. On May 10th, 2014 Cleveland residents will have an opportunity to: 1) Visit local grocery stores and supermarkets. 2) Snap photos of all items found with a fair trade label. […]
Fair Trade Valentines
January 15, 2014The Northeast Ohio Fair Trade Network (NEOFTN), in conjunction with the InterReligious Task Force on Central America (IRTF) will be selling fair trade roses from Ecuador in honor of Valentine’s Day. Details to come.