FAIRWILD – Building a World where Biodiversity, People, and Business Thrive in Harmony through Sustainable Wild Harvesting

Karen Lunde November 7, 2024

Have you heard of the newest Fair Trade certifier? FAIR WILD – protecting wild collectors – Wild plant collectors supply the world with essential consumer ingredients, but often come from some of the world’s most marginalised communities.

FairWild certification requires that collectors are paid fair, long-term prices, at approximately 5% above the market level. In addition, collectors and their communities benefit from payment of the FairWild Premium, for use on e.g. local play facilities, school equipment, healthcare infrastructure, sanitation, etc. Under the FairWild Standard, participation of women in collection and trainings is encouraged, and potential for discrimination against collectors based on race, colour, ethnic origin, religion, sex or political opinion is reviewed during the audit. ​
