Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Fair Trade Campaigns and Net Impact-Cal Poly Undergrad are collaborating to help make Cal Poly a Fair Trade Campus. Check out what you can do to help!
Campaign Progress
Build Your Team
The Fair Trade committee provides leadership and direction for your campaign.
Reach Out to Campus Outlets
Work with your food service provider to increase the availability of Fair Trade products on campus.
Enroll Offices and Catering
Work with campus offices and catering to source Fair Trade products.
Commit to Fair Trade Education and Events
Raise awareness of Fair Trade on your campus through events, curriculum, news coverage, and more.
Pass a Fair Trade Resolution
Draw up a resolution that reflects the college’s commitment to Fair Trade and pass it through the appropriate decision-making bodies for approval.
Photo Gallery
Fair Trade Products
University Union
University Union
Village Market
Up by the Cerro Vista and PCV Dorms
Tu Taco Express
Outside of the library
805 Kitchen
University Union
Mustang Station
University Union
Julians Cafe
Inside the library
Campus Market
Near the Library
Near the Gym
Red Radish
Central location, near university union
Poly Deli
Central location near the University Union
The Avenue
Near the University Union, central campus location
Cal Poly University Store
Central location, attached to the University Union
805 Cafe
Middle of Campus
Campus Market