
I want to change my town!

Fair Trade Towns

The Fair Trade Towns program challenges you to empower your community to be a leader in sustainability. Team up with the different sectors of your community to explore the positive impact of Fair Trade purchasing.

Activate your community’s commitment to sustainability and social justice through Fair Trade. Take the challenge with hundreds of others to achieve our five comprehensive goals.

UPDATE July 2020: We’ve revised the program goals outlined below to be accomplished virtually as we continue to navigate the pandemic. See the full list of revisions and related resources here.

1. Build Your Team

The Fair Trade Committee provides leadership and direction for your campaign. Establish a diverse team that meets regularly and make sure it represents a cross section of your community including representatives of local organizations, retailers, faith groups, educators and city government.  

The Goal: Recruit at least five committee members.

2. Reach Out to Retailers

Work with retail locations in your town to offer two or more Fair Trade products.

The Goal Based on the population of your town, a certain number of retail locations must sell at least two Fair Trade products. The calculation is included in the Fair Trade Towns toolkit, linked below. 

 3. Enroll Community Organizations

Each town must have a certain number of community organizations using or serving Fair Trade products.

The GoalBased on the population of your town, a certain number of community organizations must serve Fair Trade products. The calculation is included in the Fair Trade Towns toolkit, linked below.

4. Commit to Fair Trade Education and Events

Raise awareness of Fair Trade in your community through educational events, media coverage, and other activities.

The GoalA minimum of four activities per year is required to meet this goal.

5. Pass a Fair Trade Resolution

Build long lasting relationships with your local government and pass a Fair Trade resolution.

The GoalPass a resolution in support of Fair Trade through your city or town council.

Useful Resources

Towns Toolkit

February 26, 2014 Best Practices & Tips, Getting Started Download

Fair Trade Fundraising Resources

December 21, 2013 Events & Outreach Download

Fair Trade Colleges & Universities

Fair Trade Colleges & Universities makes your campus a catalyst for change with the support of a nationwide network of students, staff and faculty. Challenge your College or University to live up to its commitments to sustainability and social justice.

It only takes one person to start your campus on the path to becoming the next Fair Trade College or University! Take the challenge with hundreds of others to achieve our five comprehensive goals.

UPDATE July 2020: We’ve revised the program goals outlined below to be accomplished virtually as we continue to navigate the pandemic. See the full list of revisions and related resources here.

1. Build Your Team

The Fair Trade Committee develops and provides leadership and direction for your campaign. Students, faculty and staff work together on the committee to plan out events, monitor progress and pass a Fair Trade resolution.

The Goal: Recruit at least five committee members, including at least one non-student.

2. Reach Out to Campus Outlets

Work with your food service provider to increase the availability of Fair Trade products on campus.

The Goal: Ensure a minimum of two Fair Trade products are available in all campus-owned and operated venues.

3. Enroll Offices and Catering

Work with offices and catering to ensure that Fair Trade products are used in campus offices and departments, and at campus-run meetings and events.

The Goal: Provide at least three examples of campus offices and departments and/or campus-run meetings and events using Fair Trade products.

4. Commit to Fair Trade Education and Events

Raise awareness of Fair Trade on your campus through educational events and other activities. Work with faculty to bring Fair Trade into the classroom, get media coverage in your school publication, or organize wide-reaching events on campus.

The Goal: A minimum of four activities per year is required to meet this goal.

5. Pass a Fair Trade Resolution

Develop a Fair Trade resolution that includes the necessary commitments from the institution to continue delivering on the goals of Fair Trade designation.

The Goal: Pass a resolution in support of Fair Trade through the appropriate decision-making bodies on campus.

Useful Resources

Colleges & Universities Toolkit

December 20, 2013 Best Practices & Tips, Getting Started Download

Colleges & Universities – Working with Dining Services Guide

April 12, 2017 Best Practices & Tips Download

Campus Advocacy for Long-Term Impact Guide

May 16, 2018 Best Practices & Tips, Best Practices and Case Studies Download

Fair Trade Congregations

Fair Trade began with communities of faith, and their solidarity has been a leading contributor to the success of the grassroots movement. Bring Fair Trade to your congregation and align its purchases with the community’s values.

Assemble your community – take part in the Fair Trade movement.

UPDATE July 2020: We’ve revised the program goals outlined below to be accomplished virtually as we continue to navigate the pandemic. See the full list of revisions and related resources here.

1. Build Your Team

Establish a committee to lead the Fair Trade effort at your congregation. Seek support from existing groups that align with Fair Trade or embed the Fair Trade effort into an existing committee.

The Goal: Recruit at least three committee members.

2. Commit to Fair Trade Education and Events

From drawing parallels to scripture and teachings, to demonstrating how Fair Trade ties into the core values of your faith, the goal is to educate members of the congregation about how Fair Trade empowers them to live out their religious tradition.

The Goal: Host at least four educational activities or events each year.

3. Source Fair Trade Products

Replace goods purchased by the congregation with Fair Trade products. Consider both food and beverage items like coffee, tea, sugar, wine, and kosher chocolate, as well as artisan and craft products such as teapots, kitchen items, worship vestments, and decorative items.

The GoalSource at least two Fair Trade products.

Useful Resources

Congregations – Toolkit

September 10, 2014 Best Practices & Tips, Getting Started Download

Congregations – Faith-Specific Resources

May 1, 2015 Best Practices & Tips, Educational Activities & Curricula, Events & Outreach Download

Congregations – Scripture & Quotes

September 10, 2014 Educational Activities & Curricula Download

Fair Trade Schools

Fair Trade Schools is an opportunity for you to create a spark and inspire change that affects the global community. Take action for Fair Trade and unite fellow students and allies. Transform lives by transforming purchases.

It only takes one person to start your school on the path to becoming the next Fair Trade School! Take the challenge with hundreds of others to achieve our three comprehensive goals.

UPDATE July 2020: We’ve revised the program goals outlined below to be accomplished virtually as we continue to navigate the pandemic. See the full list of revisions and related resources here.

 1. Build Your Team

The Fair Trade Committee develops and provides leadership and direction for your campaign. Students, teachers and staff work together to implement the campaign objectives and drive awareness.

The GoalRecruit at least five committee members, including at least two non-students

2. Commit to Fair Trade Education and Events

Raise awareness of Fair Trade at your school through educational events and other activities. By including Fair Trade in lesson plans, curricula and school events like assemblies and fairs, students understand the ways in which Fair Trade fits into their daily lives.

The Goal: A minimum of two activities per year is required to meet this goal.

3. Source Fair Trade Products

Work with dining services or administrative staff to source Fair Trade products in cafeterias, vending machines, or school stores, or regularly offer Fair Trade products at events.

The GoalMake at least two Fair Trade products permanently available at your school. If permanent sourcing is not possible, products must be offered via occasional outlets (bake sales, fundraisers, etc.) at least four times per year.

Useful Resources

Schools Toolkit

November 13, 2014 Best Practices & Tips, Getting Started Download

Schools – Lesson Plans

December 20, 2017 Educational Activities & Curricula Download

One Comment

  1. Hello, FT Town organizers! Cleveland Heights is officially a fair trade town (we passed a resolution in city council on the 16th – the last step in our process). But, we’re not done. We’re interested in starting a new campaign in University Heights, OH. We need to be able to organize more than one campaign on this site to get that ball rolling.

    chrissy - 10 years ago

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