Chapel Hill, North Carolina

The seeds of Fair Trade Town Membership began in a Human Rights class of Professor Judith Blau at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in the Spring semester 2010. As an advocate for human rights locally and globally, Professor Blau had already founded the Center for Human Rights to address housing concerns and living wage issues within the migrant community in Chapel Hill and surrounding areas. Her class devoted the spring semester to Fair Trade with the end project of passing a resolution through the Town Council declaring Chapel Hill a fair trade town.

Her class canvased the businesses and collected petition signatures from students. On June 21st, after being delayed by the town, the council accepted the proposal declaring Chapel Hill a Fair Trade Town. The students dispersed and now the task was left to the businesses of Chapel Hill to form a working committee and begin organizing events to build awareness and support within the Chapel Hill community.

Campaign Progress

Build Your Team

The Fair Trade committee provides leadership and direction for your campaign.


Reach out to Retailers

Work with retail locations in your town to offer two or more Fair Trade products.


Enroll Community Organizations

Each town must have a certain number of community organizations using or serving Fair Trade products.


Commit to Fair Trade Education and Events

Raise awareness of Fair Trade in your community through educational events, media coverage, and other activities.


Pass a Fair Trade Resolution

Work with your city or town council to pass a resolution in support of Fair Trade.


Fair Trade Locations

Retail Locations   Community Organizations


Keilayn Skutvik