Fair Trade Lawrence, Kansas

This campaign is to demonstrate and build upon a socially responsible community and it’s already established fair trade presence.

Campaign Progress

Build Your Team

The Fair Trade committee provides leadership and direction for your campaign.

Completed September 9th, 2014

Reach out to Retailers

Work with retail locations in your town to offer two or more Fair Trade products.

Completed August 24th, 2014

Enroll Community Organizations

Each town must have a certain number of community organizations using or serving Fair Trade products.

Completed October 9th, 2014

Commit to Fair Trade Education and Events

Raise awareness of Fair Trade in your community through educational events, media coverage, and other activities.

Completed August 11th, 2014

Pass a Fair Trade Resolution

Work with your city or town council to pass a resolution in support of Fair Trade.

Completed March 10th, 2015

Recent Tweets

TTV Lawrence

@TTVLawrence 8 years Ago

On this note, this Twitter account will be deactivated as of Sunday. We hope you'll join the group above to stay involved in Lawrence!

TTV Lawrence

@TTVLawrence 8 years Ago

Want to stay in the #fairtrade loop even though we're closed? Join this Facebook group for #lfk fairtrade updates! https://t.co/c7XNpVmE6i

TTV Lawrence

@TTVLawrence 8 years Ago

Today is our last day in @downtwnlawrence. Thank you to our supporters and friends. ❤ https://t.co/hufpXqDUCJ

Fair Trade Locations

Retail Locations   Community Organizations


Scott Stutler