Holy Names University Fair Trade Campaign

HNU students in “Politics & History” and “ISAC” courses are leading our school’s Fair Trade campaign to support worker empowerment, environmental sustainability, and ethical business practices through-out the world.

Campaign Progress

Build Your Team

The Fair Trade committee provides leadership and direction for your campaign.

Completed April 3rd, 2014

Reach Out to Campus Outlets

Work with your food service provider to increase the availability of Fair Trade products on campus.

Completed March 27th, 2014

Enroll Offices and Catering

Work with campus offices and catering to source Fair Trade products.

Completed March 27th, 2014

Commit to Fair Trade Education and Events

Raise awareness of Fair Trade on your campus through events, curriculum, news coverage, and more.

Completed April 25th, 2018

Pass a Fair Trade Resolution

Draw up a resolution that reflects the college’s commitment to Fair Trade and pass it through the appropriate decision-making bodies for approval.

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Fair Trade Products

HNU Bookstore
Campus Dining Services
Rosie’s Cafe


Chiho Sawada