Los Angeles, California
The Los Angeles campaign was launched July 1, 2014 by Fair Trade LA.
What is Fair Trade LA?
Fair Trade LA is a 501(c)(3) community based organization that exists to “create and empower socially conscious consumers through education and outreach to increase the demand and availability of fair trade products in the communities of Los Angeles and surrounding areas. Fair Trade seeks to build an equitable and sustainable relationship between farmers, artisans, consumers and the planet.”
FTLA has helped to establish a number of Fair Trade towns in the LA area including Fair Trade Claremont and Fair Trade Pasadena. Now it’s time to make Los Angeles a Fair Trade Town!
Campaign Progress
Build Your Team
The Fair Trade committee provides leadership and direction for your campaign.
Reach out to Retailers
Work with retail locations in your town to offer two or more Fair Trade products.
Enroll Community Organizations
Each town must have a certain number of community organizations using or serving Fair Trade products.
Commit to Fair Trade Education and Events
Raise awareness of Fair Trade in your community through educational events, media coverage, and other activities.
Pass a Fair Trade Resolution
Work with your city or town council to pass a resolution in support of Fair Trade.
Fair Trade Locations
Retail Locations Community Organizations