Mercy Career & Technical High School Fair Trade Initiative

Mercy Career & Technical High School is a Catholic, co-ed high school located in North Philadelphia. We have committed ourselves to educating the student body, faculty, and staff about the benefits of fair trade.
Our main goal is to create a school community of socially conscious consumers.

Campaign Progress

Build Your Team

The Fair Trade committee provides leadership and direction for your campaign.


Commit to Fair Trade Education and Events

Raise awareness of Fair Trade at your school through presentations, events, curriculum, and other activities.

Completed February 2nd, 2014

Source Fair Trade Products

Work with your school to offer Fair Trade products regularly in the cafeteria, vending machine and offices.

Completed February 3rd, 2014

Fair Trade Products


Fair Trade Initiative Overview

February 3, 2014 Download


Loretta Corcoran
Yoko Barnes