St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, San Diego, CA

“…and what does God require of you but to do justice…” (Baptismal Covenant). Fair Trade is a way that faith communities can live out a life of justice. We believe that our use of Fair Trade coffee and tea and sales of chocolate, tea, coffee and snacks helps us live out our baptismal covenant.

Campaign Progress

Build Your Team

The Fair Trade committee provides leadership and direction for your campaign.

Completed February 3rd, 2015

Commit to Fair Trade Education and Events

Educate members of the congregation about how Fair Trade empowers them to live out their religious tradition.


Source Fair Trade Products

Replace goods purchased by the congregation with Fair Trade products.

Completed February 3rd, 2015

From Our Blog

The blog is moving!

August 23, 2020  Notice!The  Blog with all its content is moving to a news site linked to our website at www.stpaulcathedral.orgWe will update this notice with the exact link shortly. This site wi...

We are all in this together

August 20, 2020  Hello St. Paul’s,The other day I sent an email to a couple of my chamber music friends, just to check in. We haven’t been able to play together since February, and I have been strangely relu...

Hearing the Word

August 13, 2020  Hello, St. Paul’s.One of my favorite Collects goes like this: “Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn and in...

Fair Trade Products


Carolyn Lief