St. Timothy Catholic Church

St. Timothy’s was established in 1943 to serve the people in the Rancho Park/Cheviot Hills area of West Los Angeles. Our parish administration, staff, and ministries are integral to carrying out our mission of living the life Christ wants us to live by educating our parishioners in the Catholic faith, participating in the Liturgy, and serving others through our actions based on the tenets of Catholic social teaching, including incorporating Fair Trade education, awareness and products into our parish life.

Campaign Progress

Build Your Team

The Fair Trade committee provides leadership and direction for your campaign.

Completed March 8th, 2015

Commit to Fair Trade Education and Events

Educate members of the congregation about how Fair Trade empowers them to live out their religious tradition.

Completed March 8th, 2015

Source Fair Trade Products

Replace goods purchased by the congregation with Fair Trade products.

Completed March 8th, 2015

Fair Trade Products


Lucia Francis