This is a half day event focusing on how Fair Trade helps prevent and rescue people from human trafficking as well as how our community and individual citizens can help prevent and stop the crime of human trafficking in our area.
Presented by Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Saturday, October 08, 2016
8:30 am registration and refreshments; program begins at 9:00 am and runs until noon
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Event Sponsors
Just Fare Market
Fond du Lac Fair Trade Towns
Moraine Park Technical College
Soroptimist International of Fond du Lac
AAUW-Fond du Lac Branch
Fond du Lac Women's Fund
Kiwanis Club of Fabulous Fond du Lac
Moraine Park Association for Career and Technical Education (MPACTE)
Solutions Center
Congregation of Sisters of St Agnes
UW-Fond du Lac Student Government
Fond du Lac Police Department
Fond du Lac County District Attorney
Fond du Lac Public Library
Marian University