The World Jubilee Fair Trade Market – Holiday Edition!

Presented by Fair Trade Minneapolis creates jobs in Haiti!

Saturday, November 06, 2021

9:00 am to 4:00 pm

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Colonial Church

6200 Colonial Drive, Edina, Minnesota
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The World Jubilee Fair Trade Market is happening again – inside, in person, just in time for the holidays!

Fair Trade Minneapolis will be there too, we’ll “table” for our very first time! We plan to introduce Fair Trade Minneapolis, and promote other Fair Trade Towns like Fair Trade Saint Paul, Fair Trade Woodbury, and the Fair Trade Town that you could start in your city or town: It only takes one person to start a Fair Trade Town! We’ll also raise awareness of Fair Trade, various Fair Trade logos, & some new Fair Trade products.

Supporting the work of Fair Trade artisans has never been more important! Stock up on all your gifting needs, for birthdays, weddings, holidays, and for just treating yourself… The World Jubilee Fair Trade Market is coming up on Saturday, November 6, at the Colonial Church, in Edina, Minnesota, so mark your calendars, invite friends, and we’ll see you there!


There will be vendors and crafts from around the world, on sale to directly benefit artisans and community organizations abroad. Featuring Fair Trade organizations: Global Mamas, Ten Thousand Villages, Fair Anita, Zatoun, Gifts for Change, PEN, Elevat, Blandine Wolesse, Tiny Tim & Friends, Twin Engine Coffee, Grandmother Circles, Our Saviors Lutheran Church, Mano a Mano, Global Ministries among others.

Come celebrate with us, do some gift (or personal!) shopping, and learn more about the vendors, artists and organizations they support.