The Graduation Pledge
Fair Trade Campaigns is partnering with the Graduation Pledge Alliance to provide new opportunities for college graduates to advance social & environmental sustainability after graduation through their careers, volunteer roles and as a community member and consumer!
Take the Pledge HERE.
Share the Pledge:
Download our custom social graphics including an option to create your own and post with the link below and #GraduationPledge to share why YOU took the pledge and encourage others to:
Benefits of taking the Pledge
We know graduation couldn’t come at a more uncertain time this year. We want to extend our congrats to all of you who are graduating this spring and recognize how disappointing it is to have ceremonies canceled.
Taking the Graduation Pledge will connect you with resources and tools to equip you to find careers that deliver impact, engage decision-makers within your current place of employment or volunteerism, educate yourself more on the issues that you care about and uncover ways to leverage your power as a consumer to live a sustainable lifestyle.
We invite you to take the Graduation Pledge of Social & Environmental Sustainability and join us in continuing the fight to protect the planet and its people.
Get Connected
- Join the Fair Trade Campaigns Alumni Group on LinkedIn for job and internship opportunities.
Share the Pledge
- Choose from our custom social graphics and include the link below to share why YOU took the pledge and encourage others to take the pledge:
Questions? Thoughts? Reach out at [email protected]
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