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Is anyone an AASHE member?

scotttess from Champaign Fair Trade August 4, 2014

Apparently AASHE has sustainable procurement guidance that includes Fair Trade… Be nice to see this document.

Community Answers

  1. Fair Trade Colleges and Universities is a member of AASHE and we may be able to provide some information on procurement for you. If you look on the AASHE website, they have a page under resources that is specific for campus operations such as sustainable purchasing. Here the link for this page:

    I know this doesn’t necessarily answer the depth of your question but hopefully some of the other resources on this page helps you. If you were looking for more specifically on procurement for a town campaign, I can help direct you to the right person with more information on that!

    Jackie Cummings from Fair Trade Hartwick College - 9 years ago
  2. Here is another resources from the AASHE website (most of the resources are also on the above link):

    Jackie Cummings from Fair Trade Hartwick College - 9 years ago

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