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What Fair Trade products does your church serve?

Courtney Lang from San Francisco, California June 11, 2014

I am trying to get Fair Trade served after service and am wondering what companies and products you use.

Community Answers

  1. Equal Exchange coffee is a great start!

    Courtney Lang from School - 11 years ago
  2. Farmers to 40 is also a great option for churches because they feel very connected to the people they are helping

    Tirzah Brown from Atlanta, Georgia - 11 years ago
  3. We use Equal Exchange-the coffee is excellent and they will have your church’s demoninational coffee project that you can purchase through.

    Linda Roy from 2nd Congregational/ 1st Presbyterian Church - 10 years ago
  4. Just Love Coffee, a roaster based out of Tennessee, has a great variety of Fair Trade blends… and are simply some all-around awesome folks! You can order in bulk on their website:

    My home church also serves Republic of Tea at their coffee shop. This is one of my favorites:

    Stephanie - 10 years ago

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