What training/resources/education do campaigns need most to move forward with declaration?
What specific questions or needs do you have to move forward with specific goals?
Any specific areas of training, resources, education needed?
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It has been most challenging in my campaign to deal with unseen push back from administration. What has helped me move forward with my campaign is growing a support network, and reaching out to other campaigners who have also experienced the push back. It is important to have many resources both on and off campus in order to move forward with declaration. Since my school is a Lutheran based school I have reached out to our own pastor as well as our local Lutheran church. I reached out to our local church after hearing about their involvement with Fair Trade. I feel like in our case the congregation will be a great backing to our administrations concerns. At the university level it is also important to have the educational materials, flyers, bookmarks, handouts and of course chocolate to engage the students during tabling events to not just bring awareness but grow your support through the student body. Most recently I have also reached out to faculty members asking for their support. One thing I feel like I was and maybe still do lack a little is the training to actually run a campaign. I jumped into this campaign with all my passion about Fair Trade, but I never had any real experience running a campaign or anything of the like. However I would assume that this could happen because the campaigns at universities are in constant rotation with people graduating. I was set up with contacts and important information from my predecessor, but I was really just thrown into the whole thing so to speak. I think it would be great to leave our future campaigners with a packet from Fair Trade Colleges and Universities-like a welcome folder and here is what you need to know, these are your next steps and these are your most important contacts for these specific areas if you are in need.