What events have you hosted that have had the biggest impact in your community?
Was there some event you’ve hosted that attracted a lot of people? Or that visibly left an impact on those that attended? Have you had an experience with an individual or a group who attended who became really involved in the Fair Trade movement after your event? Was there an event that marked a turning point in your campaign (i.e. was the final push to get your town, city, school, college, etc. declared)?
What were some of the most successful events that your campaign hosted for fair trade month?
Are there any new ideas that worked well in your campaigns? Anything that’s old but good? How are you keeping people engaged?
What Fair Trade products have the most success selling in bookstores or campus stores?
Our campus is bringing in another corporate partner to operate the bookstore. We would like to make some recommendations to this new company.
What Fair Trade products have success selling in your campus store or bookstore?
How do you recruit new leaders as the end of the school year approaches?
Since it is the beginning of April, it is a good time to start thinking about new leadership or how to sustain a successful leadership structure. If anyone one wants to share thoughts on this transition for your campaign or ask questions about best practices, let’s open up the discussion.
What Fair Trade products does your school use or serve?
Many campaigns struggle to get Fair Trade products available at their school. If you’ve had success with this goal, or are currently working on it, share your struggles with other campaigns. What kind of products are served? Where are they served? What was your biggest success? What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them? What challenges are you still facing? For more information, read the latest blog post, Work Your Way Through Goal 3 , here: https://fairtradecampaigns.org/2015/04/school-tip-source-fair-trade-products/
How should I promote events?
We’d like to see better attendance.