What training/resources/education do campaigns need most to move forward with declaration?
What specific questions or needs do you have to move forward with specific goals?
Any specific areas of training, resources, education needed?
How to recruit new members?
Almost everyone in my club is a senior who is graduating in May, and I am having a hard time recruiting new students to guarantee the club and campaign will stay alive. If you are dealing with this also or have dealt with it in the past please share any tips, ideas and or recommendations you have!
What are some of the best recruitment practices?
With many individuals graduating or moving on to other positions, they leave behind them their campaigns. In some cases, this might mean that the campaigns are losing their leaders. How do we fix this situation? RECRUITMENT 🙂
What are some of the best recruitment strategies/tactics that you’ve found to be the most helpful when there is a potential turnover in leadership for your campaign? Which strategies/tactics did you not find to be as helpful?
How do you recruit new members?
With the new year fast approaching, I was wondering how everyone recruits new members to their campaigns? I’ve tried some of the usuals: emails, and newsletters, but maybe you guys all have some creative ideas on how to recruit.
Connecting with schools to start campaigns?
One of FTC’s focuses for this year is our Fair Trade Schools campaigns. I’m wondering if your campaign has tried to inspire a fair trade school in your area? How did you make contact, and what are you doing to help them with their campaign? If you haven’t made contact yet, what are some brainstorming ideas you have for reaching out and determining interest?
Maintain Momentum
Hi there! I am wondering if you have faced problems keeping your committee motivated in the midst of busy schedules, etc? How do you maintain momentum without overwhelming people or becoming overwhelmed yourself?
Recruitment, attendance, and interest
How have you engaged the student body and increased interested in fair trade? What events were most successful in attendance?
How do I recruit members for my team?
We have been having troubles getting Freshman and Sophomores involved in our efforts on campus.. How can we get more folks on board and generate new leaders?
How can we advertise our group?
We would like more people to be involved as well as have more people attend events, etc.
How to reach out to younger students on campus?
We are wanting to expand our campaign, especially to Freshman and Sophomores as we only have Juniors and Seniors. What strategies have been used to reach out to this group of people outside of advertising for events and meetings in general?