Have a Fair Trade Mother’s Day

Courtney Lang April 4, 2011

Our good friends at Trade As One are running a great program to Fair Trade your Mother’s Day with the places of worship in your community. See the program outlined below and check out their website for more details.

The Idea

To help your congregation purchase meaningful gifts for the important women in their lives while blessing women around the world. Tell stories of several of Trade as One’s female producers/artisans through photography and biographies paired with specific products to purchase. The event will focus on only 8 products including a gift certificate.

What Does the Place of Worship Do? It’s Simple!

  1. Schedule date to host event (Suggested dates: April 17, May 1)
  2. Promote Mother’s Day event from stage/program/email before by showing the video
  3. On event day, set up photography/product tables.
  4. Collect order forms and enter orders into an excel spreadsheet to email Trade as One after the event

We estimate you will need one event lead and 3-5 extra volunteers to help collect order forms. The photographs can be set up on 2 tables OR if you prefer people are able to view at eye level, you can attach photos to the wall if you have an appropriate space.

How/when will people receive their orders?

  1. We email each individual within 24 hours after the event with a link to their shopping cart on our website where they complete payment with a credit card.
  2. Orders ship directly to customer or gift recipient (not the church)
  3. Trade as One offers beautiful gift wrapping for those who are shipping gifts directly to the gift recipient. They make this decision at checkout on the website.

What is the Product Offering?

1. From Multiple Producers – Consumables Gift Basket (Small & Large)

2. From Light Gives Heat {Uganda} – Paper Bead Necklace

3. From Alaffia {Togo} – Spa Gift Bag

4. From Aita {South Africa} – Telephone Wire Baskets

5. From Mai {Vietnam} – Recycled Magazine Bowl

6. From Marigold Fair Trade {India} – Tablecloth and/or Napkins

7. Gift Certificate

8. Hungry for Change, 3 month subscription

Interested? Please contact [email protected]

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Courtney Lang, National Organizer | Fair Trade Campaigns

Courtney Lang brings over 5 years of community organizing to Fair Trade Towns USA, building both the Local Food and Fair Trade networks in Vermont. As Local Food Coordinator with City Market/Onion River Cooperative, Courtney worked with local producers, institutions and consumers to grow the local food system and organize a strategic model for community engagement through farm tours, workshops, and local food challenges. Like many in the Fair Trade industry, Courtney was inspired to take action in Fair Trade when she witnessed child-labor first hand in Costa Rica. As a founding member of Fair Trade Burlington, she has worked with economic development organizations, businesses, and consumers to build awareness of Fair Trade among Vermonters. She also worked with a Fair Trade USA licensee, Vermont Coffee Company, as Friend Ambassador where she united the story of Fair Trade to every purchase of coffee.