Lead for Change Blog April 2018

How to Protect Forests and Support Farmers this Earth Day
April 18, 2018This Earth Day, discover the potential of Fair Trade, small-scale farmers and agroforestry to regreen the earth, tackle climate change and create a fair and equitable food system. Agroforestry: A Solution for the Earth and Farmers Around the world, farmers clear trees in order to expand their fields and increase production. This deforestation for agricultural […]

Highlights from the 2018 National Conference
April 11, 2018In March 2018, we came together with over 330 Fair Trade supporters and advocates to make new connections and dive deep on issues at the core of the movement. Over the course of three days, we heard from more than 50 speakers sharing their insights and expertise on Fair Trade, sustainability, social justice, community organizing, and […]

Resources to Re-Energize Your Campaign
April 1, 2018Did you know that there are over 275 active Fair Trade campaigns across the country? We know that our Fair Trade advocates are working hard everyday to grow the Fair Trade movement in their communities – whether it be their college or university, town, school or congregation. We appreciate your energy and commitment, and want to help […]