Lead for Change Blog May 2010

Norman, OK – Fair Trade Town #17!!!
May 19, 2010By Guest Blogger Gene Perry Norman’s achievement of Fair Trade Town status is the result of a two year campaign by Norman Fair Trade. NFT is a volunteer group including Norman citizens of all ages and backgrounds, from retirees to high school and middle school students. They teamed up with local businesses and community groups, […]

Madison, WI Becomes the 1st Fair Trade State Capital!
May 9, 2010By Guest Blogger Erica Symonds One of the most progressive cities in the country, Madison, WI is now the 16th Fair Trade City in the U.S. and the first state capital to achieve this status. Madison’s Fair Trade Town campaign is also the first to be spearheaded by a student organization, which is the Fair […]

2011 Fair Trade Calendar Photo Contest!
May 8, 2010Our friends at the Fair Trade Resource Network have invited all of us to participate in their second annual Fair Trade Calendar Photo contest! For the second year in a row, working with the Fair Trade Federation, FTRN is working hard to spread the word about Fair Trade and to help grow awareness of Fair […]

Mapping the Movement
May 8, 2010[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”dynamic” fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”http://transfairusa.org/fttowns/wp-content/uploads/google_map2.swf” width=”461″ height=”461″ targetclass=”flashmovie”] [/kml_flashembed]

Announcing ‘City Delegation’ Rates for the FT Futures Conference!
May 5, 2010One of the main goals of the Fair Trade Futures conference is to empower attendees to engage in community efforts to grow awareness of the Fair Trade movement in their hometowns. To this end, we are excited to rally City Delegations to attend. City Delegations are a way to build community before, after, and during […]