Lead for Change Blog September 2012

Conference News: Program Details & Theme
September 26, 2012Fair Trade Campaigns Conference October 26 – 28 | Chicago, Illinois Register Here! Building off of the success of last year, the second national conference will be centered around the theme of “Building Partnerships for a Stronger Movement.” The goal of this conference is to deepen the local grassroots commitment to Fair Trade around the […]

Hoist the main sail, tharrr be coffee on the high seas!
September 23, 2012Carrotmob is a new way for people to influence businesses to make them more sustainable. Instead of organizing boycotts, we offer to spend money as a group to support a business if the business agrees to make an improvement that we care about. Everyone wins – businesses get money and we achieve unprecedented social impact. […]

Conference Keynote: Kirsten Moller, Global Exchange
September 19, 2012Fair Trade Campaigns Conference October 26 – 28 | Chicago, Illinois Register Here! Kirsten Moller, a founding member of Global Exchange in 1988, has long been a leader in the effort to create a more just global society. She will be a featured Keynote Speaker at the Fair Trade Campaigns Conference, taking place in Chicago […]

Conference News: Travel Stipend & Hotel Room Block Information
September 14, 2012REGISTER, APPLY & BOOK HERE The wait is finally over! We are eager to announce hotel accommodations and travel stipend information for the upcoming Fair Trade Campaigns Conference taking place in Chicago on October 26 – 28. Space and funds are limited, so if you haven’t registered yet, now is the time! Follow this link […]

Proudly Presenting: Go Bananas for Fair Trade!
September 13, 2012Let the National Celebration for Fair Trade Bananas Begin Did you now that bananas are the world’s most popular fruit? The Go Bananas for Fair Trade web page and toolkit will help you identify where Fair Trade bananas are available in your community and, if not, how to build the strategic relationships and consumer […]

Short Film Contest for Students
September 10, 2012Your chance to win a $1000 cash prize and to spend a week with a Fair Trade documentary team in Latin America! Produce a creative, inspiring and memorable short film that explains Fair Trade and encourages students to take action on campus. THE PRIZES Grand Prize Trip to Latin America with a Fair Trade documentary […]

Go Bananas Case Study: Mankato, MN Gets Fair Trade Bananas in Local Supermarket
September 10, 2012Are you trying to rally the local supermarket you patron to carry Fair Trade bananas, but need some help with tactics? Mankato Fair Trade Town Initiative in Minnesota is one campaign that has successfully gotten Fair Trade bananas in to a local supermarket. As part of the Go Bananas for Fair Trade Initiative we interviewed […]

Banana Spotlight: interrupcion* Fair Trade
September 5, 2012By Guest Blogger: Nikki Holzberg interrupcion* Fair Trade was established in 2000 in Buenos Aires, Argentina as a global stakeholder community committed to building a sustainable future through responsible consumption, sustainable development, organic farming and Fair Trade. We work directly with approximately 2,000 producer groups in Latin America, financing Fair Trade and organic certifications, […]