Lead for Change Blog June 2013

Year in Review (2012-2013)
June 21, 2013Let’s take a moment to reflect on the achievements of this past year. The Numbers: At the end of August 2012 Fair Trade Colleges and Universities started off its 5th year with: 10 Declared Colleges and Universities 30 Active Campaigns As of June there are now 14 Declared Colleges and Universities (40% increase) 69 Active Campaigns (130% increase!) Overall the number of campaigns has more than […]

Case Study: Forming Strategic Partnerships
June 20, 2013By Dr. Thomas Kelly, Professor Creighton University & Parker Townley Make use of campus institutions Partnerships can help guide and provide structure for students looking to organize around Fair Trade. Here are three examples of institutions that have helped organize and house student movements in the past: Notre Dame University: The Center for Social Concerns Creighton University: […]

Case Study: Engage Your Town
June 20, 2013Case Study of how La Mesa, CA accomplished their third goal, Engage Your Town, and their tips for other campaigns. Nancy Ryan La Mesa, CA What was your goal when tasked with this criteria? Our goal was to reach out to organizations and faith based communities within our city with the overall purpose of […]

New Video Resource: ‘The Merits of Fair Trade’
June 17, 2013Over the last few months we have unveiled Organizing Toolkits, an Infographic and now a fun and educational animated video. This short video, entitled ‘The Merits of Fair Trade’, takes viewers through an engaging overview of Fair Trade. Use it to educate and make the case for Fair Trade in your community. Click here to […]

New Video Resource: 'The Merits of Fair Trade'
June 17, 2013Over the last few months we have unveiled Organizing Toolkits, an Infographic and now a fun and educational animated video. This short video, entitled ‘The Merits of Fair Trade,’ takes viewers through an engaging overview of Fair Trade. Use it to educate and make the case for Fair Trade in your community. Click here to watch: http://bit.ly/10jjFhH […]