Lead for Change Blog January 2012

Campaign Spotlight: Princeton, New Jersey
January 31, 2012Camila Tellez, 14, of Princeton Township started the campaign. She was captivated by the notion that Fair Trade is not a donation. It’s trade, not aid.

Bananas & Fair Trade Procurement
January 26, 2012It’s been just over two months since the delegation of 9 Fair Trade Town USA representatives returned from the lovely city of Malmo, Sweden where we attended the 5th International Fair Trade Towns Conference, and plans have transpired.

The Fair Trade Certified Logo Gets a Makeover
January 18, 2012Fair Trade USA Unveils Redesigned Certification Label By: Fair Trade USA Fair Trade USA has launched the new label for Fair Trade Certified products. See their post below announcing it, and its variations! . Well hello !I’m the newly-redesigned Fair Trade Certified label. Check me out with my more modern rounded edges and shades of […]