Lead for Change Blog February 2014

VIDEO: Max Havelaar Fair Trade Label Turns 25!
February 14, 2014Did you know that the first fair trade labelled product was coffee? It was first launched in the Netherlands in 1988 with the label of Max Havelaar. This name was taken from a fictional Dutch character who opposed the exploitation of coffee workers in Dutch colonies. Over the years, the Fair Trade movement expanded to […]

DOCUMENTARY: Stand With Me – One Girl’s Dream to End Child Slavery
February 5, 2014If life gives you lemons, end child slavery Vivienne Harr, a 10-year-old girl from Fairfax, CA, set up a lemonade stand to fight child slavery. Her first audacious goal was to free 500 children with the proceeds. However, her dream took her much further. Vivienne kept up her lemonade stand for one whole year – […]

Fair Trade Schools Launch in the United States
February 4, 2014Fair Trade Campaigns Announces New Initiative to Empower K – 12 Schools Commit to Ethical Purchasing Fair Trade Campaigns, a national network of Fair Trade advocates in 170 towns and campuses across the United States, is proud to announce its newest campaign – Fair Trade Schools. Mirroring a growing demand for Fair Trade products, Fair […]