Lead for Change Blog September 2013
3 Easy Ways to Celebrate Fair Trade Month
September 30, 2013October is here, and you know what that means. It’s time for the much-awaited month-long celebration of Fair Trade. This year Fair Trade USA’s campaign theme is Buy Fair. Be Fair. The goal is simple: increase awareness and demand for Fair Trade Certified products and deepen the impact of Fair Trade in […]
Reflections on Fair Trade in Mexico: Maya Vinic Coffee Coop
September 26, 2013In July, we took 12 Fair Trade campaign organizers from across the country to Chiapas and Oaxaca, Mexico to visit Fair Trade farmers, artisans and producers. We visited five producer groups of whom are associated with the various third party Fair Trade labeling organizations in the US. Over the next few months we’ll be sharing […]

Purchasing Policies – Overview, Resources and Webinar Recording
September 16, 2013Over the last two years Fair Trade Campaigns has been developing and piloting policies to help institutions purchase responsibly produced goods. The good news? We’re ready to unveil the result! So what is procurement (purchasing)? Procurement means to purchase, and institutions spend lots of money purchasing goods and services. They buy food for dining facilities, […]

Late Night Snack Photo Contest!
September 10, 2013Snap a Picture of a #FTSnack Kick the year off with a bang and join us September 16th — 27th to promote Ben & Jerry’s partnership with Fair Trade Colleges and Universities. The Contest Swap ice cream for photos! Take fun and engaging photos of people eating ice cream and/or with the Late Night Snack cut-out from […]