3 Easy Ways to Celebrate Fair Trade Month
Courtney Lang
September 30, 2013
October is here, and you know what that means. It’s time for the much-awaited month-long celebration of Fair Trade.
This year Fair Trade USA’s campaign theme is Buy Fair. Be Fair. The goal is simple: increase awareness and demand for Fair Trade Certified products and deepen the impact of Fair Trade in farming communities around the world. The success of this year’s campaign depends on the support from all of our partners, and for that we thank you in advance. This Fair Trade Month is going to be the best yet.
3 simple ways that you can celebrate!
1. Visit our campaign website BeFair.org to find out which city is the Fairest city in the United States. Then take the quiz to see how you measure up.
2. Use one or two of our suggested Facebook and Twitter posts and graphics to spread the word online.
3. Watch and share the newest Fair Trade video: Kids explain Fair Trade to their parents.
Told you it was easy!

Courtney Lang, National Organizer | Fair Trade Campaigns
Courtney Lang brings over 5 years of community organizing to Fair Trade Towns USA, building both the Local Food and Fair Trade networks in Vermont. As Local Food Coordinator with City Market/Onion River Cooperative, Courtney worked with local producers, institutions and consumers to grow the local food system and organize a strategic model for community engagement through farm tours, workshops, and local food challenges. Like many in the Fair Trade industry, Courtney was inspired to take action in Fair Trade when she witnessed child-labor first hand in Costa Rica. As a founding member of Fair Trade Burlington, she has worked with economic development organizations, businesses, and consumers to build awareness of Fair Trade among Vermonters. She also worked with a Fair Trade USA licensee, Vermont Coffee Company, as Friend Ambassador where she united the story of Fair Trade to every purchase of coffee.
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