February‘s National Conference Call: Fund Raising & Your Campaign
Local organizers will shed some knowledge about Event Fund Raising, Membership Programs & Small Grants
Join the call!
Date: Wednesday, February 15th, 2011
Time: 5:00 p.m. PST/8:00 p.m. EST 605-475-6333
Call-in Number: 605-475-6333 Participant Code: 884663#
Have you been spending weekend hours volunteering at local events; dropping personal income on promotional materials; organizing events that cost your campaign money rather than bring in funds to support it?
Good News. Fair Trade Towns USA has put together the perfect conference call for you and your campaign. We invite you to join us Wednesday, February 15th to discover some creative and strategic ways to give your campaign a financial kick-start this winter.
Here’s what the call will cover!
Event Fund Raising: Maya Sharp of Fair Trade Pasadena will run us through the steps to organizing a successful silent auction drawing on her experience coordinating a Silent Auction and Lineage Dance Performance Benefit during Fair Trade Month last year.
Membership Program: Has your campaign thought about building a membership program but lacked the knowledge of how to structure it? Chicago Fair Trade (CFT) has developed and implemented a strong Fair Trade Towns Membership Program. Join the call and get some advice from Nancy Jones, CFT Executive Director & National Steering Committee Member.
Small Grants: It’d be awesome to pay an intern to table those weekend events, right? Well, Fair Trade Towns USA offers one small grant to each campaign per year. Courtney Lang, Grassroots Outreach Manager at Fair Trade USA, will let you know the amounts available, best practices and use of funding, and how to get started.
Q & A: Get your questions answered!
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