Lead for Change Blog


January 23, 2019


January 18, 2019

Dylan Simpson

January 18, 2019

The Sewing Hive

January 17, 2019

The Sewing Hive isn’t a fabric store; it’s a place to learn or strengthen your skills in sewing, sourcing fabrics, and pattern fitting & making. Our goal is to partner with local fabric stores Sew to Speak and Dabble and Stitch to provide material and supplies for our classes in an easy-to-purchase kit format. For […]


January 17, 2019


January 16, 2019


January 16, 2019

Petition Signing for H.R. 2219 Bill: End Banking for Human Traffickers Act of 2018

January 16, 2019

On January 8th, 2019, Hunter Free the Slaves hosted a petition signing event, in conjunction with Fair Trade Finals, inviting students on campus to learn about and support our petition for the bill H.R. 2219. The bill aims to create programs and greater accountability on the part of the U.S. government to crack down on […]


January 16, 2019


January 16, 2019

Byron Brooks

January 16, 2019

Fair Trade Bakesale

January 16, 2019

selling fair trade chocolate, baked goods, and handmade bracelets.

Kaelyn Ha

January 15, 2019


January 15, 2019


January 11, 2019