Lead for Change Blog

Fair Trade Tasting

March 16, 2017

Fair Trade Valentines

March 16, 2017

St. John’s University Fair Trade Resolution

March 14, 2017

Fair Trade Resolution signed by Reverend Bernard Tracey – Executive Vice President for Mission.


March 13, 2017


March 11, 2017


March 10, 2017


March 9, 2017

Midnight Breakfast

March 9, 2017

Students attend right before Finals to a free breakfast served in the cafeteria. Students will also be greeted by people handing out information on what fair trade is. Also fun competitions occur so the prizes will be some fair trade items.


March 9, 2017


March 8, 2017

Free Screening of “The True Cost”

March 8, 2017

Our campus hosted a free screening, open to our campus and the public, of “The True Cost,” a documentary about the clothing industry. We also held a question-and-answer session following the film with a professor of Apparel Merchandising from Indiana University.


March 8, 2017

Blooming foods is a local co-op with a branch located in our campus. They sell fair trade chocolate, coffee, and tea.

The Bulldog

March 8, 2017

Restaurant located in the Hemmingson Center.


March 7, 2017