Lead for Change Blog

Fair Trade your Valentine’s

February 19, 2016


February 19, 2016


February 19, 2016


February 19, 2016

Bryan Powell

February 18, 2016


February 18, 2016

Parish Coffee

February 15, 2016

Our parish purchases fair trade coffee for all our eating areas.

Meagan Lincoln

February 11, 2016

Estes Dining Hall

February 10, 2016

Estes Dining Hall provides fair trade coffee and locally grown and purchased produce.

Greenberry’s Cafe

February 10, 2016

In our Greenberry’s coffee location we provide fair trade coffee.

IACRAO Breakfast

February 10, 2016

Butler Business Scholars

February 10, 2016

SAT Fair Trade Bake Sale

February 10, 2016

For the SAT that was taken on Berkeley High School’s campus on January 23rd, 2016, we set up a bake sale stand with fair trade goods to sell to students who were attending the exam. The Berkeley High Fair Trade Committee members baked brownies and chocolate chip cookies at home utilizing different fair trade ingredients […]

February 10, 2016

Elizabeth Shorrock

February 10, 2016

Madison Jacks

February 9, 2016


February 8, 2016


February 8, 2016