Lead for Change Blog

Lucia Francis

March 5, 2015

The Earth Charter

March 4, 2015

Upstate Forever

March 4, 2015

Non Profit Promoting Sensible Growth and Protecting Special Places in the Upstate

Custard Boutique

March 4, 2015

Clothing, shoes, gifts

Mashuda Hall

March 4, 2015

A dining hall on campus that carries Aspretto Coffee and Numi Tea

Tracey Mascolo

March 4, 2015

Speed Consulting Forum

March 2, 2015

Cup A Joe

March 2, 2015

Fair Trade Resolution

March 1, 2015

Resolution Recognizing and Commending Fair Trade Philadelphia for its Commitment to Economic Equality for Workers and Sustainable Production Practices for the Environment. Whereas, Fair Trade Philadelphia is a group of citizens who have come together to promote Fair Trade in the City of Philadelphia; and Whereas, Fair Trade is a market based economic system through which workers, […]


March 1, 2015