Lead for Change Blog

Shryock Realty

September 15, 2014


September 15, 2014


September 15, 2014


September 15, 2014

Richard Shaw

September 14, 2014


September 13, 2014

Health Care Acces

September 12, 2014

Health Care Access’ mission is to help facilitate access to health services for Douglas County, Kansas residents with limited financial means who are not covered by private or governmental insurance programs. Throughout two decades of service to Douglas County, we have provided primary care services, referrals to specialists, prescription medication, and health education to over […]


September 11, 2014


September 11, 2014

Tone Fitness

September 11, 2014

They are open 7 days a week, from morning through evening. Classes include Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, Dance, and more.

Georgia Marquez

September 11, 2014


September 10, 2014

post services get together

Board Resolution

September 10, 2014

Fair trade resolution passed by synagogue board of trustees.


September 10, 2014

speaking from the pulpit, once a year I deliver sermon on the type. last sermon was entitle, “not just a cup of coffee but a just cup of coffee” https://fairtradejudaica.org/2013/12/a-just-cup-of-coffee-guest-blog-by-rabbi-e-schoenberg/


September 10, 2014

Untarian Fellowship of Lawrence

September 9, 2014

A Social Hour (or, Coffee Hour as it is frequently called by congregants) follows the Spiritual Celebration and is held in Founder’s Hall (the old building) and simultaneously in the reception area. If you wish, Coffee Hosts are available to escort you to Founder’s Hall. Be sure to visit our Newcomer Table by the entrence […]


September 9, 2014


September 9, 2014