Lead for Change Blog

Mayan Hands Info Sheet 2017

January 3, 2017

Fair Trade Resolution

November 9, 2016

Our Fair Trade Resolution was passed by the Rockhurst Student Senate and signed by the University President, Fr. Thomas Curran, S.J., under the advisement of the President’s Council.

How You Can Make A Difference Buying Fair Trade – San Diego Family Magazine

November 7, 2016

Did you drink a cup of coffee or eat a piece of chocolate today? Choosing fair trade coffee and chocolate can mean five times the pay for farmer in a developing nation and a safe working environment in industries dominated by child labor. Learn more about empowering women and families, taking care of the earth […]

Social Media for Campaigning

November 4, 2016

Instagram Best Practices

October 28, 2016

Fair Trade USA

October 5, 2016

Fair Trade USA is an organization that focuses on the importance of fair trade while working with small business owners in poorly-nourished countries. Fair Trade USA also focuses on the certification of industries in the United States to be able to directly purchase fair trade products.

What is Fair Trade?

September 28, 2016

FairTrade America

September 28, 2016

FairTrade America is “a global movement for change” represented in the United States. They work directly with companies, restaurants, retailers, etc. to secure a better deal with farmers and workers. FairTrade America is a organization that focuses on business certification and the basis of fair trade. Check out their website for further information.