Lead for Change Blog

Social Justice Organizing Guide

September 18, 2019

Real Food Standards

August 14, 2019

Real Food Standards are a set of position papers that outline the principles behind the Real Food Guide.

Fair Trade Federation Resource Hub

August 14, 2019

An information hub from the Fair Trade Federation with a library of recommended books, films, and other resources.


July 22, 2019

Our instagram account is active and is another resource we are using to spread awareness and education regarding fair trade. We are using it to advocate for fair trade on behalf of the students at Illinois State University.

Equal Exchange Action Forum 2019

June 20, 2019

2019 Annual Equal Exchange Summitt @ Wheaton College–June 20-22, 2019 Building together worker-owners, farmer partners and conscious consumers–“YOU” You are an integral part of this movement and your participation is needed to succeed. If you are unable to join the planning to advance the vision of building a better food system together then just contact […]

What is your slavery footprint?

May 7, 2019

This is a really awesome quiz that accounts for your personal consumerism and then evaluates the likely number of slaves that go into providing your lifestyle daily.

What products are Fair Trade?

May 7, 2019

Fair Trade America has a comprehensive list of various products that are Fair Trade.