Lead for Change Blog

Registration Open for New England & Southern California Gatherings

August 26, 2013

Fair Trade Campaigns is hosting Regional Conferences this Fall in Southern California & New England and you’re invited!

International Fair Trade Towns Conference – A Global Affair

December 13, 2012

By: Courtney Lang, National Organizer – Fair Trade Towns USA It’s hard to know when you’re in Boston, MA or Teaneck, NJ that there are tens of thousands of Fair Trade Town organizers across the globe.  As of December 2012, there are 1,227 declared Fair Trade Towns in 24 countries and 6 continents.  Imagine if […]

Bananas & Fair Trade Procurement

January 26, 2012

It’s been just over two months since the delegation of 9 Fair Trade Town USA representatives returned from the lovely city of Malmo, Sweden where we attended the 5th International Fair Trade Towns Conference, and plans have transpired.