October Campaign Achievements: Our Campaigns are Going Strong
Let’s hear it for October! We’d like to take a moment to reflect on the success of our campaigns throughout the month.
Campaign Badges
11 Badges Earned!
Campaigns in the News
Chelsea Residents Ask Council to Recognize Fair Trade
“This is an effort to change our world for the better…this will allow a dignified wage for all workers in the system.”
Fair Trade Coffee Booming in Bloomington
“We can provide our customers with those organic and fair trade products, plus give back to those communities who provided it for us. There’s really no sense in not carrying free trade, organic coffee.”
Fair Trade Education Becomes Part of Parish Life
“OLA uses Fair Trade coffee and sugar routinely for all parish events, and regularly presents bulletin articles, information tables, films, and house gatherings.”
Be a Small Part of the Fair Trade Movement in a Big Way!
Join us and Raise Funds for the Skoll Challenge
Each year the Skoll Foundation invites a select number of organizations to fund-raise over the course of one month and in turn commits to matching (up to a set amount) donations made over that time period. This year we’re pleased to announce we’ll be taking part in the Social Entrepreneurs Challenge!
Read More and Help us Spread the Word!
It’s Happening All Over the World!
Fair Trade Month has been a busy month across both the U.S. and many other cities abroad! While we saw Amsterdam and Estonia earn Fair Trade Status, we also heard updates from towns within UK, Scotland and Canada. Every day around the globe, small steps are being made to make us more conscious of what we’re buying and selling. There are now over 1,573 Fair Trade Towns in 25 countries. Check out the latest International Fair Trade Towns Newsletter.
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