Lead for Change Blog

Cocoa Campaign For Kids

June 28, 2018

Interactive games and activities that teach about issues of exploitation and wealth distribution within the cocoa supply chain. Games are designed to engage people of all ages! (ages 6 and up).

Promote Fair Trade 101

June 28, 2018

The aim of this presentation is to give some background on the history of global trade and how trade has historically come at the expense of marginalizing people in the Global South. We will examine the Fair Trade Movement is an alternative trading system that ensures small producers Global South are given access to the […]

Banana Industry Presentation

June 27, 2018

Wednesday, July 4, 1pm Banana Industry, PJC. This talk is designed to educate, brainstorm solutions and create tangible action steps that fit each participant with regards to the oppressive banana industry. People interested in staying involved with the Peace & Justice Center’s programming are encouraged to stay after for our weekly Programming Meeting.

Fair Trade 101

June 27, 2018

November 3rd, Saturday 2-3pm Fair Trade 101, at PJC. The aim of this presentation is to give some background on the history of global trade and how trade has historically come at the expense of marginalizing people in the Global South. We will examine the Fair Trade Movement is an alternative trading system that ensures […]

Cocoa Campaign for Kids!

June 27, 2018

October 27th, Saturday 2-3pm Cocoa Campaign for Kids, at PJC. Interactive games and activities that teach about issues of exploitation and wealth distribution within the cocoa supply chain. Games are designed to engage people of all ages! (ages 6 and up).

Cocoa Campaign

June 27, 2018

October 6th, Saturday 2-3pm Cocoa Campaign, at PJC. This presentation focuses on the issue of child slavery and human trafficking in the cocoa industry. It is designed to educate, brainstorm solutions and create tangible action steps that fit each participant. People are encouraged to arrive at 1:30pm to participate in a PJC New Volunteer Orientation.

Banana Industry Presentation

June 27, 2018

September 22th, Saturday 2-3pm Banana Industry Presentation, at PJC. For millions of residents in the banana lands, the production of bananas means social upheaval, violence and pesticide poisoning. Learn about the oppressive banana industry’s history and were we are today. This talk is designed to educate, brainstorm solutions and create tangible action steps that fit […]

Understanding Fair Trade Labels

June 27, 2018

September 8th, Saturday 2-3pm Understanding Fair Trade Labels, at PJC. Explore the differences between Fair Trade Certifications, Fair Trade Membership Organizations, and Direct Trade to help us better understand the Fair Trade Movement. People are encouraged to arrive at 1:30pm to participate in a PJC New Volunteer Orientation.

Free Trade vs Fair Trade

June 27, 2018

On Saturday, August 4th from 2-3pm, there will be a Free Trade vs Fair Trade presentation at PJC. Learn basic information about globalization and how policies and practices have paved the way for huge companies to profit at the expense of people and the planet. This program shows how the Fair Trade movement and principles […]

Fair Trade 101

June 27, 2018

July 7th, Saturday 2-3pm Fair Trade 101, at PJC. The aim of this presentation is to give some background on the history of global trade and how trade has historically come at the expense of marginalizing people in the Global South. We will examine the Fair Trade Movement is an alternative trading system that ensures […]

K-Week Campus Ruckus Tabling Event

May 23, 2018

Calling all Freshman! Come out to Campus Ruckus to have some fun, play some games, and learn how to get involved on campus! The Fair Trade Campaign will have a table offering information, sign ups, goodies, and more! Play some Fair Trade Frisbee to win a prize!

Fairtrade Shopping Sundays

May 17, 2018

Every Sunday – We feature fairtrade products in our Partners Fairtrade Boutique retail space and in our Sangha Cafe social space. We love to talk about fairtrade and how we support communities around the world – Come Join Us on Sunday 10:15am and 12:15pm! … and check out our services too at 9am and 11am.

Assembly for World Fair Trade Day

May 10, 2018

Students, faculty & staff will be celebrating World Fair Trade on the field. This years’ theme is ‘Live Fair, one product at a time’. Each class will hold a sign showing each of the 10 Principles of Fair Trade. Parents are welcome. Students and staff will hold hands to make a “Human Chain” showing solidarity […]

Campus Ambassadors in Sustainability and Business Panel

May 10, 2018

A panel discussion featuring student reps for sustainable companies. Companies present will include Sambazon and Guayaki! They will talk about how their role in promoting the companies they work for on the college campus.

World Fair Trade Raffle

May 9, 2018

Raffle for World Fair Trade -free to enter and win long sleeve club t-shirt, chocolate and honest tea…2 days to fill out entry Thursday 10th & Friday 11th, pull names Saturday, May 12 Announce, May 12 Deliver prizes during Fair Trade Club meeting on Monday, May 14th

Fair Trade Launch

May 9, 2018

We are setting up a table on our campus dining hall to launch the Fair Trade initative at Mary Baldwin. We will have raffles, prizes, ice cream, chocolates and other materials and will use them to promote Fair Trade on campus and increase awareness among students and faculty.

August Moon Festival

May 8, 2018

We will again have a booth at this year’s August Moon Festival. Come participate in our Fair Trade Chocolate Taste Test. Information on Fair Trade and how you can be involved will also be available.

August Moon Festival

May 8, 2018

We’ll have a booth at this year’s August Moon Festival. Stop by and participate in our Fair Trade Chocolate Taste Test. Information on Fair Trade and ways you can be involved will also be available.