
What do you need from FTC to make the 2015-2016 school year great?

Asked by Courtney Lang from School in Universities

The 2014-2015 school year was a smashing success for Colleges, Universities, and Schools (check out the highlights on the blog here The summer days are numbered and fall is fast approaching. For campaigns that work on an academic calendar, things are gearing up again. What new resources (powerpoints, fact sheets, how-to’s) do you need to make this school year even better?

1 Answer - 9 years ago

ICLEI Fair Trade purchasing doc

Asked by scotttess from Champaign Fair Trade in Towns, Resolutions and Procurement

ICLEI is a city sustainability membership organization. They are promoting this nice document on city purchasing of fair trade…

1 Answer - 9 years ago

What kind of events does your campus hold for Fair Trade?

Asked by Courtney Lang from School in Universities, Fair Trade Education

How does your campus celebrate and promote fair trade? What have you done in the past that worked really well? How did you get students and staff to take time out of their schedules to participate? How do you recruit new members and share the fair trade mission? We’d love to hear them all, and even brainstorm some new ones! Join the conversation in the comments below!

3 Answers - 10 years ago

Check out the new Women’s Empowerment infographic ?

Asked by Courtney Lang from School in Towns, Fair Trade Education

Have you seen the new Women’s Empowerment infographic done by Fair Trade Certified yet? If not, make sure you check it out here:

Did you know that women produce 50% of the world’s food, but only own 2% of the land? The graphic illustrates what women farmers typically have to endure, and how fair trade helps empower them and leads to a thriving community.

This is a great graphic to share in a newsletter, email, Facebook, or even to print out! Tell us how you’re using it to educate about women’s roles in farming and fair trade!

1 Answer - 9 years ago

Don’t forget to claim your FREE Fair Trade Goody Bag!!

Asked by Courtney Lang from School in Towns

Hey Folks! It seems that not everyone submitted their WFTD results this year. Please respond to this question to claim your FREE Fair Trade Goody Bag!

1. Campaign Name
2. The name of the Supermarket Chain Targeted
3. How many stores you plan to submit product request cards to
4. The best name and address to send your kit to

1 Answer - 10 years ago

What Fair Trade products does your school use or serve?

Asked by Courtney Lang from School in Schools

Many campaigns struggle to get Fair Trade products available at their school. If you’ve had success with this goal, or are currently working on it, share your struggles with other campaigns. What kind of products are served? Where are they served? What was your biggest success? What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them? What challenges are you still facing? For more information, read the latest blog post, Work Your Way Through Goal 3 , here:

3 Answers - 9 years ago

Do you want a customized Product Request Cards for World Fair Trade Day?

Asked by Courtney Lang from School in Towns

Howdy Campaigners!

World Fair Trade Day is upon us and Fair Trade Campaigns wants you to collect product request cards for fruits and vegetables in your community or coffee and tea on your campus!

Tell us what establishment you are targeting and what you will be doing to collect product request cards in your community by April 16th and we’ll customize them for you!

Please find details of our World Fair Trade Day program here:

4 Answers - 10 years ago

Who is working on a Towns Procurement Policy in 2015?

Asked by scotttess from Champaign Fair Trade in Towns, Resolutions and Procurement

Hey all,
Let me know if you are working to pass a Fair Trade Towns Procurement Policy or Ordinance in 2015. What is working for you to get the ear of officials? Need some help in your procurement efforts? To learn from a campaign that is hitting on all procurement cylinders, follow Houston.

4 Answers - 9 years ago

Connecting with schools to start campaigns?

Asked by Courtney Lang from School in Towns, Build Your Team

One of FTC’s focuses for this year is our Fair Trade Schools campaigns. I’m wondering if your campaign has tried to inspire a fair trade school in your area? How did you make contact, and what are you doing to help them with their campaign? If you haven’t made contact yet, what are some brainstorming ideas you have for reaching out and determining interest?

1 Answer - 10 years ago

How do you start a FT social media page?

Asked by Courtney Lang from School in Universities

Fair Trade Villanova is looking to start a Facebook page for our efforts. What are your suggestions? What material receives the most attention on your page? What are some best practices in creating a social media presence? Does anyone have any specific “launch” ideas?

4 Answers - 9 years ago

Does anyone have a new business packet

Asked by Carol Smith from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin in Towns, Retail Availability, Cafe

Often when we learn of a new business, especially such as a coffee shop, we find that they may be well into the process of deciding on their coffee source. I’m thinking it would be good to have an introductory packet to get to the owners as they make their decisions and plans. Does any one have such a packet that is doing a good job in encouraging offering Fair Trade products. If so, would you be willing to share.

2 Answers - 10 years ago

How do you recruit new members?

Asked by Courtney Lang from School in Towns, Build Your Team

With the new year fast approaching, I was wondering how everyone recruits new members to their campaigns? I’ve tried some of the usuals: emails, and newsletters, but maybe you guys all have some creative ideas on how to recruit.

1 Answer - 9 years ago

How to Incorporate Fair Trade Handicrafts in College Store

Asked by cummingsj from Fair Trade Hartwick College in Universities, Retail Availability, Bookstore

I am interested in how I would go about getting fair trade handicrafts, gifts, etc. in our college bookstore. I know other fair trade colleges have these types of products such as lanyards, shirts, scarves, etc. from organizations like Mayan Hands and Alta Gracia (which I know we have Alta Gracia shirts). I am trying to incorporate products from Jolom Mayaetik, the cooperative that one of my professors works with from Chiapas, Mexico. I know that most bookstores on campuses may have specific vendors they have contracts with and it may interfere with those contracts.

1 Answer - 10 years ago

How to attract media interest for an event?

Asked by Anna McMahon from Bethlehem, New York in Towns, Fair Trade Events

In Bethlehem NY we have a long-running event, a Black Friday Fair Trade Market, featuring 20 vendors selling beautiful handmade crafts. Last year we struggled to find a new angle to attract local media interest. Can anyone suggest ways to draw renewed interest and create a “story” around this event?

6 Answers - 10 years ago

Interactive Tabling Activities

Asked by mettyt from Fair Trade Hartwick College in Universities, Fair Trade Events

Has anyone found or created some really good, short, interactive activities for tabling at events?We are looking for some interactive, educational, and fun activities to have at our tabling events, such as a fun quiz-type activity or matching game.

3 Answers - 10 years ago

How to reach out to different school departments about expanding Fair Trade education?

Asked by Michael Billotti from Fair Trade Fordham University in Universities, Fair Trade Education

Does anyone have any first hand experience about talking with different university departments requesting them to use more fair trade products or expand their education into fair trade?

3 Answers - 11 years ago

Is anyone an AASHE member?

Asked by scotttess from Champaign Fair Trade in Towns, Resolutions and Procurement

Apparently AASHE has sustainable procurement guidance that includes Fair Trade… Be nice to see this document.

2 Answers - 9 years ago

Does anyone have any Fair Trade activities for children?

Asked by Julie Buckingham from Teaneck, New Jersey in Towns, Community Organizations

Our campaign is participating in “Teaneck Night Out”, part of National Night Out, an event geared especially for families. In addition to our normal brochures that we have at our events, we’d like to have some activities at our table for children to do. I’m thinking something along the lines of a word search, something to color, and make something a little more mature for older children. Does anyone have any suggestions of resources we could use?

4 Answers - 10 years ago