Lead for Change Blog

Fundraising with Equal Exchange!

January 28, 2015

We’re excited about your interest in fundraising with Equal Exchange. Each year, hundreds of communities raise money for their groups while supporting small-scale farmers and artisans around the world. Why not join them? By doing so, you’ll provide your community of friends, family, and co-workers with things they actually want–tasty coffee and chocolate, and unique […]

How to Host a Fair Trade Event!

January 28, 2015

A Fair Trade event is a great way to promote Fair Trade in your congregation, campus, or community. You can host it as a consignment sale or as a bazaar. Follow the steps below for a successful event. SIX MONTHS TO ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE: 1. Educate yourselves on fair trade. Read information from Fair […]


January 19, 2015

Download our stickers! We’re putting these in the window of businesses that support fair trade.

Fair Trade and Catholic Relief Services

January 7, 2015

Our faith calls us to live out our Gospel values on a daily basis. The Catholic social teaching principles of respecting the dignity of work and caring for the poor are key ways in which we can do this. Through fair trade, we can use our economic power to contribute to the common good and […]

Benefits to Chicago to become a ft city

December 16, 2014

This is a brochure we developed for our city officials on how becoming a fair trade city would benefit Chicago.

Fall 2014 Midwest Bulletin

December 4, 2014

Coffee 101

November 20, 2014

Tea 101

November 20, 2014

How Many Slaves Work for You?

November 16, 2014

We invite you to take this survey asking about your daily habits to see how many slaves are working for you behind the scenes to allow you to conduct those habits routinely. Having this knowledge will let us know that children are not having the opportunities that they should because they are forced to make […]

Schools Toolkit

November 13, 2014

Tips for Writing about Fair Trade

November 12, 2014

Tips for writing about and framing Fair Trade. Particularly useful for representatives of campaigns, members of campaigns who aren’t particularly educated in Fair Trade, and anyone who is writing about fair trade or a Fair Trade Campaign (such as journalists).

CRS Fair Trade

November 8, 2014