Lead for Change Blog

Fair Trade Documentary – in celebration of Fair Trade month

October 30, 2017

Rollins College celebrated Fair Trade month with fellow fair trade community partner, Ten Thousand Villages. Community members and students came together to watch a screening of “The People and the Olive.” Ten Thousand Villages showcased some of their holiday merchandise with samples of Equal Exchange Hot Chocolate. Meanwhile, Rollins’ Sustainability Program collected donations for their […]

2nd Annual Fair Trade Fashion Show

October 28, 2017

Volunteer student models showcased Alta Gracia spirit wear sold at our campus bookstore, and we educated students about fair trade in general and what it means that we are a Fair Trade University.

Kuli Kuli Moringa tasting /Vegan Potluck

October 26, 2017

Vegan potluck featuring sampling of Fair Trade protein powders and bars

Fair Trade Faire

October 23, 2017

On Wednesday, Oct 25th we are going to be hosting an educational Fair Trade Faire. We will have a mini soccer game with Fair Trade soccer balls, a treat walk with Fair Trade prizes, and a tasting booth with various Fair Trade things that are available on our campus!

Celebrating “Laudato Si”

October 20, 2017

Join with Bishop McElroy , as we realize Pope Francis’s vision as express in Laudato Si, to hear the cry of the earth and the poor • make connections with passionate steward of all God’s creation • learn about the effort to establish Care Creation Teams in our parishes and more. A representative from St. […]

Club Expo

October 19, 2017

School-wide Club expo to show the students the different clubs on campus. We had posters and products to show the students how fair trade is found on campus. We had sign up sheets for those interested in joining the club and leadership team.

Club Expo for the Board

October 19, 2017

There was an event for the board on campus and fair trade brought posters and products to put on display. We talked to various board members about our impact on campus with fair trade and the importance of raising awareness.

Homecoming Fair Trade Awareness

October 16, 2017

During our homecoming alumni registration, we had a table handing out fair trade chocolate and information about the importance of fair trade.

School Wide Kick Off and Information Fair

October 10, 2017

Members of four different classes will come together during our school’s first Coffee House of the year in order to promote Fair Trade products as well as inform peers about fair trade and modern slavery.

Promote Free Trade vs. Fair Trade at St. Mikes

October 5, 2017

Free Trade vs. Fair Trade Presentation in partnership with St. Mike’s Civil Rights Alliance and Juntos. Learn basic information about globalization and how policies and practices have paved the way for huge companies to profit at the expense of people and the planet. This program shows how the Fair Trade movement and principles seek to, […]

Fair Trade Finals

October 5, 2017

Coffee for students during Finals week

True Cost movie screening

October 5, 2017

A showing of True Cost documentary to raise awareness

Bake sale at MIIS

October 5, 2017

A bake sale of vegan, Fair Trade to promote October Fair Trade Bake sales

Holiday Bazaar at MIIS 2017

October 5, 2017

A holiday pop up bazaar that features local and Fair Trade products for sell to promote sustainable businesses

Fair Trade Month on Campus

October 4, 2017

Due to the Fair Trade Month of October, we will be promoting Fair Trade Certified coffee at our dining hall grounds. There will be served Farmer Brothers Portland Bland coffee to go and educational brochures about Fair Trade will be distributed. Our goal is to spread awareness about the movement of Fair Trade.

Fair Trade Bake Sale

October 2, 2017

We will be screening The People and The Olive and selling items as part of the nationwide Fair Trade Bake Sale. This event will be conducted in partnership with our local Ten Thousand Villages.

Ice-Scream for Climate

October 2, 2017

This event will be conducted in partnership with our local Ben and Jerry’s. Students will sign pledges to personally reduce their impact on the climate and then proclaim their pledges through a bullhorn. Free Ben and Jerry’s will be served.

Hurricane Relief Sale

September 30, 2017

The second of our fall sales dedicated to helping fund Hurricane relief efforts will take place Thursday, Oct 5. In addition to chocolate and Mayan Hands lanyards and friendship bracelets, we will be having a bake sale with FT baked goods.