World Fair Trade Day & Fair Trade Study Breaks

Courtney Lang April 4, 2014

Here’s How to Win a Baking Kit with Tons of FREE Samples!

UCSD Fair TRade

What better way to celebrate World Fair Trade Day than with deliciously baked goods or a well-deserved rest during finals! This year Fair Trade Campaigns encourages Towns, Schools, and Colleges & Universities to host Bake Sales, Bake offs and Study Breaks to honor this global celebration. Campaigns who host Bake Sales, Bake offs or Study Breaks between April 19 and May 11 will receive baking kits with free samples.

1. When:

Host a Fair Trade Bake Off, Bake Sale or Study Break in your community or on your campus April 19 through May 11.

2. Event Types:

You must host one of the following types of events to qualify

  • Bake Sale: host a fund-raising event at which homemade foods are sold that use at least 2 Fair Trade ingredients.
  • Bake Off: host a competition based on who has the most creative and tasty baked goods that use at least 2 Fair Trade ingredients. Invite local restaurants, chefs, businesses or schools to compete.
  • Fair Trade Study Break: Offer a break from studying by sampling Fair Trade products.

3. I want a Free Baking Kit!

a. Gather your team and make a plan to host a Fair Trade Bake Off, Bake Sale or Study Break.

b. Comment on this blog and share your campaign’s plan for a World Fair Trade Day Celebration (any of the event types listed above). Or, register your World Fair Trade Day event on our website. If you’re one of the first 45 campaigns to comment, you’ll receive a baking kit with free samples!  You must be registered and logged into our website to comment or upload an event..  Please email [email protected] if you have questions!

c. You must follow up with Fair Trade Campaigns after the event by posting photos of using the #BakeFair hashtag.



What’s in the Baking Kit?  Chocolate, Coffee, Tea, Quinoa, Sugar and Rice Samples!


  1. California Lutheran University plans on doing a mix between the Study Break and Bake-off by hosting a ‘Fair Trade Cookie Baking event.” We will encourage students to come together to bake cookies with Fair Trade ingredients in a community kitchen to celebrate World Fair Trade day. Students will learn more about Fair Trade while savoring just how good it can taste!

  2. Indiana University’s Enactus team would love to have a fair trade baking day. I hope to get more of our Enactus members excited about our fair trade project and realize what an awesome thing fair trade is so that we can make a bigger impact with our campaign! Any leftovers we have will be left around campus with a small note about fair trade as suggested above (great idea, whoever came up with that one!)

    Macaira O'Connell from Fair Trade at Indiana University - 11 years ago
  3. As a kickoff for finals, the St. Olaf Leaders Abolishing Slavery team is planning a study break for May 8th during our school’s community time. We will set up a table on our campus quad with information about fair trade foods (both available on campus and in the community) and provide samples of various fair trade options to students. This will be a “sweet” opportunity for students to de-stress and learn more about fair trade.

    halac from St. Olaf College - 11 years ago
  4. Colorado State University is planning on having a get together for people to learn more about fair trade, so we can have a little study break in the weeks before finals, then have a speaker or panel to discuss fair trade while munching on some fantastic fair trade treats!

    Connor Schimdt from Fair Trade Colorado State University - 11 years ago
  5. April 28th Montclair State University is planning a Fair Trade Bake Off!! We’re partnering with the dietetics group and a few other cultural groups to educate them on Fair Trade and then we’re all baking for the students that will attend the Fair Trade Study Break/Bake Off (because each group has to be creative). Only Fair Trade chocolate, sugar, and coffee can we used! We want this event to educate, relieve stress, expand our creativity, and be fun! We’d really love that sample kit!!!

    Stephanie Lokker - 11 years ago
  6. We here at Davidson County Community College will be offering Fair Trade items at our upcoming Rotaract Club Drive. I have been working in conjunction with this club to help gain support and spread the word about this amazing cause. This kit will help put the product in the students hand, as well, creating demand for such goods here on campus. I look forward to working this event with my club and spreading the word about FTCU!

    Melissa Haas from Fair Trade Davidson County Community College - 11 years ago
  7. Fair Trade Houston is hosting a pancake brunch with homemade pancakes and will couple that with a “mini-market” of Fair Trade goods, including Ten Thousand Villages, Equal Exchange and a bake sale! We will be in Tomball, TX with a chance to reach a new audience and hopefully drumming up interest for more Fair Trade events in their community.

    Kendra Penry from Houston, Texas - 11 years ago
  8. Ten Thousand Villages in Chapel Hill is having a bake off for World Fair Trade Day (May 10th). We will have baskets of fair trade food products as the prizes. We’re also hosting ABAN and Mamafrica in our store that day.

  9. Fair Trade Club at SUNY Geneseo will be working with a local not-for-profit cafe to use these wonderful fair trade ingredients to create some delicious fair trade baked goods. The final products will be advertised and either sold or given away at the cafe. We’re excited to showcase baked goods with fair trade ingredients and share with Geneseo that fair trade goes beyond coffee and chocolate! We will also be sure to include information about World Fair Trade Day coming up and what everyone can do to get involved! Thank you!

    Benjamin Conard from Private: FAIR TRADE SUNY GENESEO - 11 years ago
  10. The Sustainability Program at Rollins College will be having a Reading Day event to give our Fair Trade products on April 30th! In the past we usually give out Fair Trade coffee and tea, but making baked good would be such a hit! Many members of the program love to bake (including myself) so we would love to promote fair trade products this way! Thanks!

    hschleiffer - 11 years ago
  11. Courtney,

    The kit will help us out so much!!

    46 Manning Ave.
    Butler, NJ 07405

    Thank you so much!!!
    Stephanie Lokker
    Montclair State University

    Sent from my iPhone

    Stephanie Lokker - 11 years ago
  12. San Francisco State University would like to host a Fair Trade Study Break/ Bake sale event. Our student organization will provide free Fair Trade Tea while also offering Fair Trade bake goodies for purchase. Our objective is to motivate students to be part of the Fair Trade movement at SFSU and also familiarize them with the Fair Trade Certified label. We hope to show students that Fair trade products not only improves the lives of underprivileged farmers, but also provides high quality products that you can use to make tasty desserts!

    Guilaine Cheirezy from Fair Trade San Francisco State University - 11 years ago
  13. The InterReligious Task Force on Central America (IRTF) of Cleveland, OH will be hosting an Open House in combination with a Fair Trade Study Break in appreciation of their many dedicated volunteers throughout northeast Ohio. Fair trade coffee, tea, chocolate, and other items will be provided, as well as information on upcoming events! The Open House will take place Thursday May 8th, from 5:30-7:30pm, at the IRTF Office located at 3606 Bridge Avenue, Cleveland.

    Rachel Dana from Cleveland Heights, Ohio - 11 years ago
  14. Fair Trade Bluffton is planning to partner with Bluffton University student groups to bring a fair trade study break to campus on April 27. We plan to have the university catering provide fair trade coffee and tea while the student groups bring fair trade chocolate from Ten Thousand Villages.

    09bushk - 11 years ago
  15. La Mesa Fair Trade is partnering with Fair Trade San Diego to host a World Fair Trade Day in one of the most popular tourists areas in San Diego (Old Town). We will offer tourists samples of baked goods that are made with FT items, hold a scavenger hunt to search for Fair Trade gifts in the area . Ben & Jerry’s Fair Trade ice cream will also be offered!

    Anne Pacheco from La Mesa, California - 11 years ago
  16. Hey, we’re gonna have a FT bake off, partnering with our town’s Happiness Week celebration with the judging on April 26. We’d love a Bake off Kit!
    Please send to:
    Earth and State
    23 W. State St.
    Media PA 19063

    Ira Josephs from Media, Pennsylvania - 11 years ago
  17. South Jersey Fair Trade Alliance will again be represented at the all day Earth Day celebration hosted by the Atlantic County Municipal Authority. We know free samples are a great draw for curious consumers to check out our table’s FT literature and wares. Morsels of personal favorites such as Green & Black’s and Equal Exchange’s FT dark chocolate samples and bananas available locally at a local, big name club store. Visitors all ears while they’re nibbling some typical FT commodities. This Earth Day, with your inspiring challenge, we will feature baked samples with innovative FT sweeteners and do a ‘pepsi challenge’ to guess the sweetener. We’re stoked to kicking our baking up a notch and effectively demonstrating how such quality ingredients enliven sweets in a new way.

    Penny Klein from Galloway, New Jersey - 11 years ago
  18. SJFTA’s campaign is Fair Trade Galloway, NJ

    Penny Klein from Galloway, New Jersey - 11 years ago
  19. The John Carroll SSJ Fair Trade Committee will be working with our food provider and our wellness coordinator to have a fair trade study break table in our student atrium during finals week. We will have literature available about fair trade and becoming a fair trade university.

    Grace Donnelly from Fair Trade John Carroll University - 11 years ago
  20. April 22nd, we will be having a Fair Trade Study Bake Break, where we will offer free baked goods made from Fair Trade ingredients. We will educate on Fair Trade and have a petition of interest sign-up sheet to show outlets on campus the demand for Fair Trade products. It will be a delicious and fun way to educate and give a break to students preparing for finals.- Kristen Kozasky, Marymount California University

    Kristen Kozasky from Marymount California University - 11 years ago
  21. On April 26th, Fair Trade Penn State is going to kickoff the University’s end of the year concert with a sale of delicious fair trade treats in our downtown State College area. We’ll also be providing information on the fair trade movement, so people can learn just how sweet what they’re eating is. This kit would be a WONDERFUL help to our event!
    Please send to 430 East Foster Avenue, State College, PA, 16801
    Thank you!!

    Sarah DeMartino from Fair Trade Penn State - 11 years ago
  22. We are a Congregation–so we will have a bake off!
    Linda Roy
    2nd./ 1st. Church
    318 N. Church St.
    Rockford, IL 61101
    Thanks You

    Linda Roy from 2nd Congregational/ 1st Presbyterian Church - 11 years ago
  23. Fordham University will have a Fair Trade Study Break by giving away Free Divine Chocolate and Simply Smiles Coffee on Tuesday, April 29. Our address is:
    441 E. Fordham Road
    Fordham University
    Attn: Kate Combellick
    411 Hughes Hall
    Bronx, NY 10458

    Michael Billotti from Fair Trade Fordham University - 11 years ago
  24. Villanova University CRS Ambassador Fair Trade Issue Group will be holding Fuel Up with Fair Trade! Come to Falvey Memorial Library for FREE Fair Trade coffee and chocolate while you study for finals on Sunday, May 4 from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm! Take a break, enjoy the treats, and learn about Fair Trade on campus.

    Emily Wilson from Fair Trade Villanova - 11 years ago
  25. We are looking forward to having a WFTD bake sale on May 10 to raise money for our Fair Trade Towns campaign!

    Deborah Zupan from Metuchen, New Jersey - 11 years ago
  26. Loras College will be partnering with Loras UNICEF in a Salsa Dance on Saturday, May 10th. The Fair Trade committee will have a table at the event sharing FT products, information, and getting free will donations for bake sale items. Our new FT video will also be shown throughout the event.
    Our address:
    Stacia McDermott
    1450 Alta Vista Box #7
    Dubuque, Iowa 52001

    Stacia McDermott from Loras College - 11 years ago
  27. The Economic Opportunities Committee that works with the Fair Trade at Tulane University is going to partner with an existing study break being planned by a women’s group on campus. They have been really supportive in the past and we would like to work with them again to maintain the relationship. Their members are really passionate and it would be great to have an opportunity to reach out and work with them.

    Laura Sibert - 11 years ago
  28. The Social Justice Committee at Assumption College will be holding a “study break” during our study day on May 6th before finals. We want to offer fair trade products, coffee, and tea in order to expose the student body to Fair Trade products and provide tasty fair trade options for a study break. It will be held during the morning rush between 10-1 and will be held in Charlie’s our student center to try to reach the most amount of students as possible. This kit would really help us expand what we can provide to the students, and show them how many products are available through fair trade.

    Vincent Sullivan-Jacques from Fair Trade Assumption College - 11 years ago

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Courtney Lang, National Organizer | Fair Trade Campaigns

Courtney Lang brings over 5 years of community organizing to Fair Trade Towns USA, building both the Local Food and Fair Trade networks in Vermont. As Local Food Coordinator with City Market/Onion River Cooperative, Courtney worked with local producers, institutions and consumers to grow the local food system and organize a strategic model for community engagement through farm tours, workshops, and local food challenges. Like many in the Fair Trade industry, Courtney was inspired to take action in Fair Trade when she witnessed child-labor first hand in Costa Rica. As a founding member of Fair Trade Burlington, she has worked with economic development organizations, businesses, and consumers to build awareness of Fair Trade among Vermonters. She also worked with a Fair Trade USA licensee, Vermont Coffee Company, as Friend Ambassador where she united the story of Fair Trade to every purchase of coffee.