Lead for Change Blog

What have been some successful fair trade events?

March 11, 2014

Our team is trying to brainstorm ideas for an interactive and educational event to engage our campus in the cause of fair trade. Has anyone held any successful events lately that were fun, interactive, and educational?

Knights Shoppe (University Store)

March 10, 2014

The Neumann University Campus Store is the sole retailer on the campus. The “Knights Shoppe” has all books, apparel, school supplies and products for the students and visitors. The “Knights Shoppe” operates Monday-Thursday from 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. and on Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The store opens for all major campus activities including […]

Knights Cafe (Campus Cafe)

March 10, 2014

The fair trade coffee and tea is provided by Fair Trade USA and is offered primarily in dark and light roast. This coffee and tea is offered in the cafe sponsored by Sodexo catering company. The coffee and tea is made of aspretto beans and is stationed on the counter next to register and labeled […]

Crossroads Cafe (Dining Hall)

March 10, 2014

The fair trade coffee and tea is provided by Fair Trade USA and is offered primarily in dark and light roast. This coffee and tea is offered in the cafeteria sponsored by Sodexo catering company. The coffee and tea is made of aspretto beans and is stationed in the same area as the ice cream […]

REGISTRATION OPEN: Mid-West & Mid-Atlantic Gatherings

March 8, 2014

Fair Trade Campaigns is hosting two Regional Gatherings this Spring in the Midwest & Mid-Atlantic and you’re invited! Fair Trade Town and Fair Trade College & University campaign organizers and supporters will come together to establish regional support networks, build and grow our campaigns, and learn from our peers. Mark your calendars! Midwest Regional Gathering […]

Fair Trade Raleigh Information Session

March 8, 2014

Information session as part of the International Women’s Day Celebration at Ten Thousand Villages, Cameron Village, Raleigh, NC.

How to reach out to younger students on campus?

March 8, 2014

We are wanting to expand our campaign, especially to Freshman and Sophomores as we only have Juniors and Seniors. What strategies have been used to reach out to this group of people outside of advertising for events and meetings in general?

Fair trade apparel at your university

March 8, 2014

Are there any fair trade companies you have worked with to get fair trade apparel? What are some of the ways you have been able to get fair trade apparel on your campus?

How do I recruit members for my team?

March 8, 2014

We have been having troubles getting Freshman and Sophomores involved in our efforts on campus.. How can we get more folks on board and generate new leaders?

How can we advertise our group?

March 8, 2014

We would like more people to be involved as well as have more people attend events, etc.

Recruitment, attendance, and interest

March 8, 2014

How have you engaged the student body and increased interested in fair trade? What events were most successful in attendance?

Valentine’s Day

March 6, 2014


March 6, 2014

Mydori Nomura

March 6, 2014