Lead for Change Blog
Business Spotlight: Numi Tea
February 28, 2012By Guest Blogger: Tisha Winters Numi Organic Tea is a premium tea purveyor that blends organic teas and herbs with only 100% real ingredients, allowing nature to speak for itself. In the earlier years of Numi, not many SKUs were Fair Trade Certified. Fast forward and Numi is the largest brand purchaser of Fair Trade […]
Organizer Spotlight: Ryan Midden, Fair Trade Boston
February 14, 2012Ryan offers pointers for reaching out to your local Ben & Jerry’s Scoop Shop My name is Ryan Midden and I am the General Manager for Ben & Jerry’s Boston. I am also a proud member of the Fair Trade Boston & Fair Trade Cambridge campaigns. Our coalition declared Boston a Fair Trade Town […]
Fair Trade Consumer Study 2012
February 13, 2012Guest Blogger: Tamara Stenn, Professor at Keene State College According to the United Nations, the US is the world’s largest consumer by far, spending over $10 billion and making up almost 30% of the world’s consumer market in 2009. (Second to the US is Japan weighing in at just 8.5% of world consumption). For Fair […]
February‘s National Conference Call: Fund Raising & Your Campaign
February 10, 2012Local organizers will shed some knowledge about Event Fund Raising, Membership Programs & Small Grants Join the call! Date: Wednesday, February 15th, 2011 Time: 5:00 p.m. PST/8:00 p.m. EST 605-475-6333 Call-in Number: 605-475-6333 Participant Code: 884663# Have you been spending weekend hours volunteering at local events; dropping personal income on promotional materials; organizing events that […]
Valentine’s Day Guides: Fair Trade Pointers from Cupid’s Arrow
February 3, 2012The ‘Pink and white’ holiday sparsely sprinkles the shelves until…BAM, New Years is over and Valentine’s Day hits everyone upside the head. Reminder folks: show some affection or prepare to spend the evening situated with reality, no chocolate or flowers unless you buy it for yourself. Despite loving that special person (or yourself) so much, […]
Campaign Spotlight: Princeton, New Jersey
January 31, 2012Camila Tellez, 14, of Princeton Township started the campaign. She was captivated by the notion that Fair Trade is not a donation. It’s trade, not aid.
Bananas & Fair Trade Procurement
January 26, 2012It’s been just over two months since the delegation of 9 Fair Trade Town USA representatives returned from the lovely city of Malmo, Sweden where we attended the 5th International Fair Trade Towns Conference, and plans have transpired.
The Fair Trade Certified Logo Gets a Makeover
January 18, 2012Fair Trade USA Unveils Redesigned Certification Label By: Fair Trade USA Fair Trade USA has launched the new label for Fair Trade Certified products. See their post below announcing it, and its variations! . Well hello !I’m the newly-redesigned Fair Trade Certified label. Check me out with my more modern rounded edges and shades of […]
A Fair Trade Education
December 18, 2011Penncrest High School in Media, Pennsylvania declared first Public Fair Trade High School in the country
Change Comes from the People: 1070 Fair Trade Towns and Counting
November 26, 2011For eleven years and running, Fair Trade Towns have been the driving force behind consumer citizenship; starting with Garstang, U.K. in 2000, Media, PA in 2006, and leading us into 2012 with over 1,070 towns in 23 countries across 6 continents.
Fair Trade Universities Back from Tour
November 16, 2011By: Kate Polakiewicz, Strategic Relations Assistant at Fair Trade USA I’m back from the Campus Consciousness Tour and some things are missing in my life – scoops of Ben and Jerry’s Jimmy Fallon Late Night Snack (Fair Trade Certified vanilla ice cream with fudge covered potato chips), waking up every day at different but confusingly […]
Customizable Materials Now Available for Fair Trade Towns!
November 9, 2011Have you wanted window clings and brochures for your campaign, but found trouble when designing them? Elevate your campaign by tailoring the new Fair Trade Towns brochure, window cling, poster (available soon), table tent and stock-it card to highlight your community.
A Women Who Changed the Rules: A Recap of Maria Isabel’s Road Trip
October 28, 2011“When I finish life I am going to be remembered by the things that I do, not by the things that I have.” – Maria Isabel Balbuena
Fair Trade USA Goes Digital with the Fair Trade Finder App
October 3, 2011Supporting farmers and workers around the world just got a whole lot easier! The Fair Trade Finder Good news: There are now more than 10,000 Fair Trade Certified products available in the United States, and finding those products in stores near you just got a whole lot easier! The Fair Trade Finder is an application […]
Fair Trade Towns & Universities National Conference Recap
September 17, 2011250 organizers from 80 campaigns in over 26 states, and countries as far as New Zealand!
Conference Spotlight: Catholic Relief Services
August 11, 2011At its core, Fair Trade is about building relationships—between consumers, producers, businesses—and what better place to build relationships than in your own hometown?