Lead for Change Blog

Get to Know Mayan Hands
June 28, 2016When we think about Fair Trade, we often think of the physical products – the coffee, tea, sugar, or handicrafts. However, we often forget the stories behind these beautiful creations and the bigger meaning of Fair Trade. If you are involved in the Fair Trade movement, you have likely heard about a wonderful organization called Mayan Hands. I recently […]

February Fair Trade Achievements: Campaigns with Heart
March 12, 2015Our campaigners’ hearts were in the right place this February! Let’s show a little love for those who took their campaigns to the next level… Campaign Badges and Declarations 18 Badges Earned! 1. Cleveland Heights, OH – Engage Your Town 2. Marquette University, WI – Commit to Fair Trade Education 3. Saint Mary’s University, MN – Pass a Fair Trade […]

October Campaign Achievements: Our Campaigns are Going Strong
November 7, 2014Let’s hear it for October! We’d like to take a moment to reflect on the success of our campaigns throughout the month. Campaign Badges 11 Badges Earned! 1. Houston, TX – Engage Your Town 2. Lawrence, KS – Engage Your Town 3. Chelsea, MI – Get Some Love from the Media & Reach out to Retailers 4. […]

Town Tip #2: Engaging Your Local Government
November 5, 2014Reaching Goal #5: Engaging Your Local Government Goal #5 is about citizen engagement. To reach this goal you will need to complete the following: Pass a Fair Trade resolution, or even better a more formal procurement policy. There may be instances where passing something is not immediately possible, but this must be discussed with the National Organizer. […]

Q&A With The Fair Trade Campaigns Interns!
July 10, 2014They’re here! We’ve got a great and talented bunch of interns working with Fair Trade Campaigns this Summer. Take a look below to familiarize yourself with the folks who work to keep us connected, prepared, and moving forward. Fair Trade Campaigns’ Summer 2014 interns! (Left to right: Stephanie, Lena, Alison) Lena Crown (Washington University): Social Media Intern […]

5 Tips to Promote Your Event
April 23, 2014Here’s our top tips for getting crowds to your World Fair Trade Day or Study Break event! 1. Partner Around Town & Campus: As advocates we often make things harder than they need to be. Look around and see if anyone has something similar planned in your community or to see who would be a […]

FORUM: Interactive Q&A on Community Grounds
April 16, 2014Welcome to the New Fair Trade Campaigns Forum! Our new Forum is now live and campaigners are able to educate one another about their personal experiences, ask questions, and find answers to everyday campaign issues. Everyone with a Fair Trade Campaign user account can participate Check it out! How to Use the Forum: […]

World Fair Trade Day & Fair Trade Study Breaks
April 4, 2014Here’s How to Win a Baking Kit with Tons of FREE Samples! What better way to celebrate World Fair Trade Day than with deliciously baked goods or a well-deserved rest during finals! This year Fair Trade Campaigns encourages Towns, Schools, and Colleges & Universities to host Bake Sales, Bake offs and Study Breaks to honor […]

March 6, 2014Samples, Event Resources & Materials Coming Soon! What better way to celebrate World Fair Trade Day than with deliciously baked goods! This year Fair Trade Campaigns encourages Towns, Schools, and Colleges & Universities to host bake sales, bake offs and study breaks to honor this global celebration. Campaigns who host bake sales, bake offs or […]

Fair Trade Schools Launch in the United States
February 4, 2014Fair Trade Campaigns Announces New Initiative to Empower K – 12 Schools Commit to Ethical Purchasing Fair Trade Campaigns, a national network of Fair Trade advocates in 170 towns and campuses across the United States, is proud to announce its newest campaign – Fair Trade Schools. Mirroring a growing demand for Fair Trade products, Fair […]

Campaign Spotlight: Dayton, Ohio
January 30, 2014Read about the journey of the Dayton, Ohio, Fair Trade Towns campaign. Our guest bloggers are Lisa Von De Linde and Leslie Blaha. Breaking the Ice Peace on Fifth, a local Dayton slave-free and Fair Trade store, wanted to change the conversation about Fair Trade in Dayton, Ohio. Although many people could easily connect Fair […]

Calling All Bakers! Submit Your #BakeFair Recipes
December 3, 2013Submit Your #BakeFair Recipes for a chance to be featured on Fair Trade USA’s website, and to win a Fair Trade gift basket! With the 2013 holiday season in full swing, we know that all you bakers out there have your oven mitts prepped and ready for some delicious, wintry treats. This year, show […]

Fair Trade Your Holiday Events!
November 21, 2013Here’s your chance to get hooked up with some great free materials for that final Fair Trade event of the year! The first 20 campaigns to provide a short explanation of their plans in the comment section below will recieve the following event package to help bolster their event:
Fair Trade Campaigns in the Media: September/October 2013
October 25, 2013Your monthly digest of Fair Trade Campaigns in the local and national spotlight
Fair Trade Your Halloween
October 8, 2013Put a sweet twist on the bitter tradition this year by participating in Equal Exchange’s Fair Trade Your Halloween Campaign Trick-or-treaters will hand Fair Trade chocolate back to adults, with informational cards attached, to explain the problems of the cocoa industry and how Fair Trade presents a solution. Through providing children with an […]
3 Easy Ways to Celebrate Fair Trade Month
September 30, 2013October is here, and you know what that means. It’s time for the much-awaited month-long celebration of Fair Trade. This year Fair Trade USA’s campaign theme is Buy Fair. Be Fair. The goal is simple: increase awareness and demand for Fair Trade Certified products and deepen the impact of Fair Trade in […]
Reflections on Fair Trade in Mexico: Maya Vinic Coffee Coop
September 26, 2013In July, we took 12 Fair Trade campaign organizers from across the country to Chiapas and Oaxaca, Mexico to visit Fair Trade farmers, artisans and producers. We visited five producer groups of whom are associated with the various third party Fair Trade labeling organizations in the US. Over the next few months we’ll be sharing […]
Registration Open for New England & Southern California Gatherings
August 26, 2013Fair Trade Campaigns is hosting Regional Conferences this Fall in Southern California & New England and you’re invited!